Best Upcoming Game

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kyoji, Jun 2, 2015.


Vote for the game(s) that interest you!

  1. Blade and Soul

  2. ARK Survival Evolved

  3. Tree of Life

  4. Camelot Unchained

  5. Warhammer 40k

  6. Crowfall

  7. Black Desert

  8. Star Citizen

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. GoldSlayer1

    GoldSlayer1 Veteran

    How about Dirty Bomb?
    Its a F2P FPS by Nexon.
    Open Beta was released yesterday for it.
    For some reason though, its Steam only. (which I dont understand why, due nexon recently adding in their own unified game launcher for all their games)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  2. Zolthan

    Zolthan Guest

    I will vote star citizen anyday!
  3. Never heard of it until now. Are you in the Alpha Trice?

    Despite the cartoonish graphics it actually looks like an interesting PvP title. The combat video looked fluid and fun. Might be interesting to the MoBA crowd based on what I see and read.

    I might give it a whirl.
  4. Krazymagic

    Krazymagic Member

    Not really interested in any of these titles personally. I dont generally care for a game that starts a kickstart campaign to fund itself, or is asking for donations on its front page.

    Ill be sticking with FFXIV's expansion once it lands, plus Witcher 3. Those 2 alone will hold me for a while. I still dabble in Dragon Age inquisition some as well. Then Witcher 3 has some good DLC's coming later in the year, then Fallout 4 is on the horizon now with a potential end of year release. Thats where my gaming time will likely be spent. I've been eyeballing ESO but dont have enough time to take on two MMO's with all the RL activities I have going. Ive got a new pasture I got to fence this summer to move horses, and I just got a new ATV 2 weeks ago that I need to break in good :)
  5. snagglefox

    snagglefox Snagglefox [Sehkk] Final Fantasy Member

    Is anyone else playing Ark? I got it yesterday and it was a lot of fun. But it sucks playing alone. We should try to get together and build a base or something. I'm considering getting a server to because screw official servers and I don't trust other private server admins.
  6. I am very interested in the game and playing it within the FPS division, but I am not yet in the beta so Im not playing just yet.

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Where is the button for...

    Anything that is interesting and that i can smoke scubs.

    BTW.. back from my round trip to Portland... there and back in 4.5 days.. FML... and I got to dance with tornados in Colorado. Guess seeing my dad for the first time in 5 years.. the state went all Hancock.
  8. snagglefox

    snagglefox Snagglefox [Sehkk] Final Fantasy Member

    For the Ark Survival Evolved players, a buddy of mine put up a server. It's called CoalitionLAN + NJLP Survival. Feel free to play on it.
    s o k a r and EniGmA1987 like this.
  9. Obscure

    Obscure Veteran Crowfall Member

    Even though I'm in the CU Division, I didn't actually vote for it. It seems to be so far away from a BETA/Launch that it has made me kind of lose my appetite for it.

    I voted for BDO and Crowfall(even if that is also a long way's off). I like Crowfalls' design and what our division would be able to do with all the different realms and rules, can't wait to see what type of organization and hierarchy our division will have for that specific game. As for BDO, honestly I'm just excited for it because I loved Archeage but was disappointed due to the pay to win aspect, which apparently BDO has done right.

    Other than that, I'm interested to hear how H1Z1 is doing with the updates, it was fun to play the first couple of weeks but it was obvious the game at that stage was not playable. If it is in a much better state, I wouldn't mind paying it a visit. Honestly, I'd play Hello Kitty: Online right now, the past few months have seemed sooooo dry when it comes to MMO releases.
  10. It's pretty much a crappier version of brink, no parkour. Fun but for only about 20 hours.
  11. Xianide

    Xianide Member Camelot Unchained Member

    Okay so I really enjoyed Dark Age of Camelot grew up playing it the RvR system and pvp was amazing have never found an MMORPG with PvP that I actually liked. So my vote full heartedly went out to Camelot Unchained, but after watching the youtuber Jackfrag play Ark Survival Evolved I definitely want to pick up that game too.
  12. I have ARK and it is definitely fun to a fault. The biggest problems as I see them are performance (not as bad as it used to be), alpha status (lot of terrain clipping and other general bugs that will annoy you), PvP (there are PvE servers but the PvP in the game is bad due to the fact there is no way to permanently solidify your gains. Houses can be easily destroyed or circumvented leaving days of progress in shambles. Simple put the game requires a LOT of time to progress and that can be destroyed in less than an hour).

    Those are the biggest criticisms I have about it thus far. I have been playing mostly single player trying to get used to the game but it seems quite fun overall. If you like survival games with dinosaurs then this game should be fun for you.
  13. SaintOfMirren

    SaintOfMirren Veteran Crowfall Member

    Just gotta say I had a few on my list, but I've since logged about 50-60 hours on Tree of Life and SOOOOO FUN. I believe that I found my time sync game until the just right mmo comes out that I'm waiting for.
  14. Xianide

    Xianide Member Camelot Unchained Member

    Awesome thanks for the input I thinkhaving a private server would fix the majority of those issues and just waiting for bug fixes as I play. The game looks like tons of fun though!
  15. Scarr

    Scarr Veteran Crowfall Member

    The poll shows nothing is a clear front runner, aside from Star Citizen. I think half the games on the poll are years out as well.
  16. @Scarr you should play ARK, its like H1Z1 but with dinosaurs and better mechanics.
  17. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    Not yet, but have submitted for ALPHA and closed BETA, will be interviewing with them this Friday (DevOps Engineer) which includes about 45 minutes of game-play with the DEVS at the end of the interview :)
  18. etrykoronath

    etrykoronath Lord Of Shadow

    Anyone know anything about Pathfinder Online, it seems like it will be similar to ArcheAge from early reviews/released content.
  19. LilithX

    LilithX Veteran Crowfall Member

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
  20. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Eh on BnS it will die off fast like AION did for a lot of people