Best Upcoming Game

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kyoji, Jun 2, 2015.


Vote for the game(s) that interest you!

  1. Blade and Soul

  2. ARK Survival Evolved

  3. Tree of Life

  4. Camelot Unchained

  5. Warhammer 40k

  6. Crowfall

  7. Black Desert

  8. Star Citizen

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Vote for the games that interest you.
  2. SaintOfMirren

    SaintOfMirren Veteran Crowfall Member

    I've been reading that Ark has a bit of bugs but also will be using the private server approach. My gaming experience when I have to play a game on private servers has been less than fun. Generally MOD abuse, server wipes/shutdowns and or not enough population to really make it fun. I've changed my mind about ARK for now anyway.

    Camelot needs more time and I'll be all up for this one again.

    Black Desert is another MMO high on my list for NA release!

    Tree of Life has been surprisingly awesome for a new release game, I recommend that to anyone looking for a good game to fill time until one of the other big games comes out
  3. Crowfall, CU, Blade and Soul.

    Honestly most of my time in the summer/fall season is going to be playing the GW2 expansion (or maybe the Destiny comet if it is any good). Most of these games aren't even going to be out till next year in real sense other than Blade & Soul which I think will be an interesting diversion but I am not sure on the longevity of the game. I haven't followed the KR version like I did Aion back when that was a thing. CU is going to have the longest time in development due to designing their own engine while I expect Crowfall to have decent progress by Christmas.

  4. There are both public and private servers, single player, and official servers. Private hosted servers can have mods on them, which means longer interest in the game overall and is a good thing and the official servers run the vanilla game. Talk I have heard is that servers may be limited to 64 players though which is a little dissapointing, I would have liked to see that increased to somewhere between 100-128. Private servers and mod ability also means after a few years if the dev's abandon the game the community can still play and make new features.
  5. SaintOfMirren

    SaintOfMirren Veteran Crowfall Member

    All of that makes sense but those tend to die out a bit and you are left having to find those rare legit servers that people aren't abusing or wiping all the time. Not to mention yeah the player cap, just sounds boring out of 64 players how many GvG or what not type of groups can you really have for fun pvp and territory control/raiding each other? I'm more interested in games that allow larger scale battles or raids if the server/community grow in that direction.
  6. Newfie

    Newfie Veteran Final Fantasy Member

    Anyone know how Star Citizen compares to Elite: Dangerous?
  7. I see no Heavensward listed, obviously the only game that matters :p
    Ujnex likes this.
  8. snagglefox

    snagglefox Snagglefox [Sehkk] Final Fantasy Member

    ^Truth :D

    I voted Black Desert though. I need another GOOD KR mmo to fill the void Aion left. But really I'm super excited for Lost Ark. It's a KR MMOARPG which looks sick. If you turn on CC for that video the english subtitles are accurate.
  9. Cervial

    Cervial Guest

    Nothing about Wild star eh? I'd join you guys if you started playing Blade And Soul (really old and inactive member here)
  10. I have a friend who wanted to get into Wildstar as soon as it went FTP this fall.
  11. Wildstar and Heavensword are not listed because they are not new and upcoming games although I am sure both will have their fair share of interest.
  12. senekz

    senekz Guest

    Hi! Just come here to participate for this vote xD!

    Actually i was in planetside 2 and sad to see the outfit there is over.

    Well if i can vote, i vote for star citizen... FPS module is coming and XOO is a place for FPS games.

    Its crazy to thing this still a issue around here :)
  13. Reinier

    Reinier Veteran

    Any ideas when Black Desert will be released in North America?
  14. Aeris

    Aeris Veteran

    I've been waiting for Blade & Sould for so long gezus!!
  15. crashburn162

    crashburn162 Guest

    I am very interested in The Division although they postponed it for Q1 2016
  16. The Division will *probably* be played in FPS as it is a small squad based shooter, though we can discuss the merits of the game being it's own division within XoO.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  17. Tythiss

    Tythiss Veteran Crowfall Member

    I have Tree of Life though amusing. It is simplistic at the moment and an organized group would easily rule the map. Even the "griefers" are polite. I have had worse griefing and grinding in SWG.

    It is, however, fun.
  18. Miir

    Miir Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    One is is in alpha. They both have space ships. Honestly too early to compare... check back in a year.
  19. Kessel

    Kessel Veteran

    I have played Blade and Soul for the last year on the Chinese server, its pretty bad ass for combat. They do more with 8 hot keys and play-ability then any other game I have played. But.. after all of that combat, its just one grind after another. You grind and grind and grind. But I still enjoy it.
  20. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member