Best Headset

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Rumor, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. People say that, but having heard the Logitech G930 myself and seeing how I don't think any of you have actually heard higher end headphones like the ones from Sennheiser I do have to say they sounded just "meh" to me. They dont have near enough fullness to the sound. The only good feature is that they are wireless, which I also personally don't like. lol
  2. tommit22

    tommit22 Member

    I've owned turtlebeaches and astros, pros on the g930 is that they are wireless, hold awesome battery life, are way comfy compared, and have many features on them, I can click the button on the headset and chat with people in my kitchen.

    I love them.

    but to each his own I guess.
  3. g930 seems like it would be heavy.
  4. Dag

    Dag Veteran

    Heavy? no, not at all. I use one for like 10 hours a day (yes I have no life) and I barely notice it.
  5. VakarisJ

    VakarisJ Veteran Crowfall Member

    Just how much does it weigh? I've had headsets of similar size that gave me neck pains. In addition, the ringed ear-pads caused my ears to feel numb after 30 minutes of use.

    Now I'm using this. It's featherweight -- no more then 100 grams, it has a durable cable, it doesn't press on the ears and does have a mic mute toggle.

    Yet it's nowhere near perfect. Received volume control is directly linked to microphone volume. Ear pads collect earwax you never thought you had and tear to shreds over a rather short period of time. The plastic is so cheap that the fixators for height break off after a week of holding the things in place (can be fixed with duct tape). Once the mic is turned off, it generates an insane amount of static, it isn't malleable and has a very limited arc of turning.

    Strangely, it's still the best headset I've ever had, simply because I can use it for 16 hours straight with no adverse effects.
  6. Only the cheap ones do that. Proper circumaural headphoens fit all the way around your ear and dont even touch. VakarisJ , you really should try something like the Sennheiser G4ME One (or zero) since it is fairly lightweight and very comfortable to wear and far more durable too, and sounds a lot better.
  7. Dag

    Dag Veteran

    The G930s are big enough to totally encompass my ears, so I don't have that problem anymore.
    When I used to have beats studios, they pressed on my ears and it hurt like hell after about 30 minutes, so I know what you mean.
    The G930s also don't really weigh that much.
  8. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Got Corsair vengeance and they very good too. But i use headset as less as possible.
  9. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Btw Logitech g930 headset weights 327 grams. Thats pretty damn heavy if you ak me.
  10. Is it? Im not sure on grams weight since I am used to pounds, and I have never weighed my headphones before either. lol. I just checked my current headset weight and it is listed as 305 grams. My other cheapo headset I keep around as a spare is listed as 300 grams
  11. Aeros

    Aeros Veteran

    I have owned both the Logitech wired G35 and the wireless G930. The Logitech wired G35 has amazing sound. It is heavy covers ears 7.1 but my god the richness of the sound is amazing. The braided cord can be ran over with a chair hundreds of times and never break. My only issue with them is 2 fold. 1) The fabric that covers the earpieces flakes off eventually, its like a paper thin pleather type material, under it is still the cushoin wrapped in a comfortable fabric but you end up with little black spec's from when it starts to flake till its all gone. 2) The thing is a TANK except for 1 point. The swivel the headset is on is only held by a piece of plastic that basically looks like a chopped up pen. I dropped them from a fairly high height a few times and eventually this spot broke leaving the ear piece working but dangling.

    The G930 is MUCH lighter than the G35, exactly same form and functionality, the sound isn't quite as deep as its heavier counterpart but its wireless with a long recharge wire, battery lasts a long time. The pleather is imporoved on but after 2 years mine is starting to peel a little, again this is just the finish and doesn't effect comfort or quality that is peeling off.

    Benefits to using logitech is that I have a G13 and G19 keyboard hooked up, the software suite works really well and 1 software runs both keyboards and my headset. It has customizable keys, auto mute when up, mute button and volume on side, button to go from 2.1 to 7.1 surround. The 3 keys on it are FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE and utilize the same capability as the macro keys on a G keyboard. I can make a key for example, that does mouse clicks and pushes any combination of keys with delays all in 1 key. I can set this to loop untill pressed again, loop while pressed or just do a task once. This enables macroing in games even if they have macro guards due to it being hardware based. Example, I know people who parked 2 sundies next to eachother in PS2 way back when, and had a key that when toggled would fire gun, reload and repeat, giving them with 2 parked together ammo sundies unlimited xp as they gave eachother ammo. (was fixed long time ago)

    If you don't have a high end keyboard or two or mouse with fully customizable keys, having capability on a headset isn't a bad thing. Hard to use in gaming due to it being on ear, but easy to set something up to run while you are afk or sleeping depending on games. I use one that auto skills all magic skills up in everquest for example while im afk. Again I have no experience outside the two logitec models but I thoroughly enjoy them, the wired one a bit more than wireless but I broke mine after a few years so I went with wireless to try it out.
  12. [​IMG]
    Looks like I'm in the headset market. How has the playing field changed over the past year and a half?
  13. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Buy Sennheiser HD600 and attach Modmic. Best headset ever.
    Im using this setup right now and love it.
    EniGmA1987 likes this.
  14. My personal favorite:


    Mini shotgun mic (AT875R) so it picks up your voice well and rejects background noise. Then use any headphones you want so you can get higher end stuff. I go into a Behringer UMC204HD for getting the mic into the PC and controlling the level. I am using Alpha Prime headphones most of the time.
  15. what keyboard is that?
  16. E-Element RGB Keyboard:
    With Vortex Doubleshot keys for the letters:
    And custom springs for different key weighting to optimize typing and modifier keys in MMOs:
    And these clear o-rings (1.5mm) for damping of both sound and bottoming out keys:

    If you dont feel like going with an actual desktop mounted shotgun mic + any pair of headphones you want, then I am still a fan of more professional headsets. Usually people go with those and stick a ModMic on it like Doxy said. HD600+mic is a great combo, but is a bit out of some people's price range. Another great combo would be the ATH-M50x and a ModMic. Or the DT-990 Pro's and a ModMic.

    EDIT: These are also some very nice sounding headphones you could add a modmic too:

    If you dont want to use a modmic but instead want a headset that is designed as such out of the box then the ATH-PDG1 (or the closed back ATH-PG1) would be a nice choice, as would the higher end ADG1's
    Or, my favorite headset so far has been the Sennheiser PC350 that you can get now for an insane deal. The one thing about it though is that you need to do a bit of modding to them. I dismantled the earcups and drilled 2 small holes (3/32" diameter) to port them and added in a couple cotton balls inside each earcup. This made the headset sound WAY warmer and have far better bass response. And they still take about 50 hours of use to really open up the sound nicely. Before that they sound like shit. The end result is well worth the time and effort IMO, but not everyone is comfortable going through that sort of work. My PC350's lasted about 4 years of use and are still good but really need the pads replaced as the fake leather is peeling off everywhere now. I dont use them since I moved to the desktop mic and better headphones, but they are still my favorite headset you can buy.

    And lastly, the PC363's are supposed to be pretty nice too. They are a virtual 7.1 surround sound headset like many PC gaming headsets from Logitech and such.

    Just remember when purchasing headphone to think about whether you want open or closed back design. I greatly prefer open back since the sound seems so much better to me and positioning of sound is better, but they dont always work for everyone's situation. Like if you play in the bedroom late at night while the wife sleeps or if you have a loud environment around your PC area.
  17. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    On the high end it is best to get a really good headset and just add a mod mic. So continue as you were :)
  18. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    I guess i'm way too late, but....

    The Game Zero on :

    239 CAD it's a steal, less than 200 USD for that headest.

    I'm interested for a good one too but i guess the 930 from Logitech would be better for me :
    - It's USB so i don't have to crawl under my table to hook it on the sound card in the back
    - It's Wireless so i can use it with the PS4 as well should i play with other people, which i doubt
    - It costs 100$ less than the Sennheiser.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  19. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    I'll do a separate thread to avoid necromancy.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016