Berserk Manga

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Roch The Shaman, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. should I reread berserk manga from ch 1 all the way to ch 316 again?
  2. No thats too much reading you need to play more games!
  3. Read some other great comics!! I can recommend a ton, just pm me! :D

    If you're a manga purist (I know some people won't touch north american or european comics with a 39.5 foot pole for some reason, and the opposite is also true of other people...I think they're both crazy...but anyway) Top Shelf just released an absolutely INSANE collection of comics from Ax magazine out of Japan. It's a seriously huge book filled to the brim with mind-bending underground comics!

    To paraphrase Levar Burton: "...but don't take my word for it!" (is that what he said? Can't remember)

    "Within the pages of this greatly anticipated manga anthology are some of the most imaginative, lush, grotesque, and ridiculous comics to come out of Japan... It's an incredible selection." -- Publishers Weekly

    "Top Shelf's release of Ax is a giant leap forward for manga available in English... I got chills reading it." -- Scott Green, Ain't It Cool News

    "This brilliantly curated, 400-page collection highlights the best experimental Japanese comics I've ever seen." -- Whitney Matheson, USA Today's Pop Candy
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010
  4. ive read alot of manga, im just wondering if i should reread berserk, air gear, vagabond, ouran high school host club, or blade of the immortal

    and i play enough, no one can play FFXIV with me cause im to high level for them lol
  5. I thought it was the smell that was keeping people away from you.... guess I was wrong :)

    P.S. level a casting or tank class to support your "punch it in the nads" class.

  6. why dont you level up so i dont have to? or maybe refuse people who arnt at least rank 15
  7. I have been, nearing rank 21, you just have more free time than most of us, back on topic though, never read any of the berserk manga series but I'd recommend Iron Wok Jan in a heartbeat, think Iron Chief the manga, but more psychotic.

  8. if you want psychotic manga read MPD Psycho
  9. I have all Berserk Manga released to date.

    Spent around £300 in total on them.

    Love them to bits and cant wait till I get the time to start reading them again.
  10. well 26 and a half vol down! 5 to go, he just got the berserk armor =D

    once i get to the end i think im going to go start on air gear
  11. Drakein

    Drakein Guest

    Mangas that i would recommend are One Piece(EPIC), Naruto, Bleach, Haji No Ippo. ;) So far they are the best ones that i have read. Kis X Sis is great too..
  12. Anime, read, read, read - and its ok they arnt real bother and sisters!
  13. Ok just got done with ch 316 of Berserk, now for Air Gear!