Beer with a Fatman

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by swifthawk, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. swifthawk

    swifthawk Veteran Crowfall Member

    So I have decided to do some traveling next year and came up with an idea.

    I want to get a picture with as many XoO people as i can having a beer with me.

    There is a couple of you I plan on seeing regardless of my picture conquest so you have no choice but to participate.

    Who would be willing to do this? My journey will start in St. Pete with Deathcloud and end in Orlando with Cox, so i need to fill in the gaps, and start planning the most effective way to travel across the country and meet you bastards and ladies.

    Groups of people would be preferred, as though i do have means i'd like not to spend it all crisscrossing the country.

    As far as Europe goes, i DO plan on going to London, Munchen, and Rome, if you live near those places lemme know

    As far as Aussies! I will be in Perth, then Sydney and leaving from Auckland, NZ so let me know

    Lastly AZN! my only plan is to go to Beijing, but i will see what i can do. It would be cool to get a picture with Ms. KEKE herself.
  2. swifthawk

    swifthawk Veteran Crowfall Member

    I will update this thread with a calendar of cities i will be in and dates/times and bar i plan on going to. If you do want to do this post your city/state and then we'll figure out the where.

    Boston people....its a homecoming for me, prepare for a night in bean town where we probably get arrested, and if im lucky Gruune's wife files for a divorce (kidding bro)
  3. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    Come to Philly when we win the WS
  4. Well... Cheetah, ss_hype, Yizelin, Vinen, and Gruune are all in relative range of each other... I think, well, Cheetah and Vinen are, Yiz, no clue, and Gruune I thought was in Boston.... Anyhoo... Let's see whatcha wanna do and we can see about running into you.

  5. Iowa too?
  6. Aerthan

    Aerthan Guest

    I'm in Austin, think there are a few of us Texans around...
  7. If you're in SoCal, there's a number of us down here you could meet.
  8. There are a bunch of us in Atlanta, dash included. Let's have a XoO get together. (Maybe I'll finally get a XoO t-shirt)
  9. So are you calling us fat? But on a constructive note... lots of us are in Texas.
  10. I'm down for any meeting place in GA with fellow xoobies. Just make it a weekend and give me a weeks notice.
  11. <- too young to drink

    *rolls away*
  12. boenan

    boenan Guest

    well... i live in boston, you should give me a holla.
  13. I'm in Nova Scotia (CA)... you may be able to track down Sotrin and Grizlack around here as well.
  14. Deathcloud

    Deathcloud Guest

    Should I wear my XoO t-shirt, or would that be too nerdy?
  15. Molotof

    Molotof Guest

    three of us in northern California (Zappbrannigan, Shoji and I)
  16. If you are not hitting NYC, I may be able to swing a Boston trip.
  17. Yes, Swifty, get your pimp ass over here!
  18. Samakar

    Samakar Veteran

    Come on down to Hollywood! I know some awesome clubs and awesome hot spots down here, I'll have a beer with you mate!
  19. damn right you end your trip with me... muahahhhaahhahahaha

    I know there are bunch in Warhammer division that are in Orlando.

    Magonis, myself, Ms.Infamous and her boyfriend... etc...
  20. Lev

    Lev Banned

    Is Canada on your list?