Bdiot's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Bdiot, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. Bdiot

    Bdiot Banned

    RIFT Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary archetype?
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I am looking for a guild that strives to be the best in all aspects of the game and does everything they can to be the best. I do not like losing and I do not like being around people with a “loser mentality”. I want to be part of a guild that get shits done but can also fuck around and bullshit on TS3. I want to join Xen to be part of the best and dominate the server.

    I am also looking for a community that is bigger then just one game. For the last few years I have gone from one guild to another as soon as it starts to crumble. It will be nice to be part of something bigger then one game and to make new friendships that are going to last from one game to another.

    Xen is the perfect fit.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Previous MMO's played:

    Warhammer: 6 Months
    Aion: 6 Months
    AOC: 6 Months
    Planetside: 1 year
    Lineage 2: 1 year
    EQ: 2 Years
    DAOC: 2 Years
    Earth and Beyond: 2 Years
    Eve Online: 6+ Years
    World of Warcraft: 6+ years

    Previous PvP and Raiding Experience:

    Earth and Beyond:
    Server firsts on all encounters and 2 world firsts, this was the first game that I took serious.

    WoW - This was my major time sink for the last 6+ years so I am only going to list everything:

    Classic – Server 3rd guild until AQ when I got in the #1 guild and finished the game with server firsts.
    Rank 10 PvP on a Warrior and Rank 13 on a Rogue
    TBC – Achieved server seconds up until Twins in Sunwell when I stopped raiding do to school
    Season 2/3/4 Gladiator on a Rogue in 2v2 and 3v3
    WOTLK - Server Firsts on every Boss
    2500+ Rogue – My 3v3 broke up because our mage got cancer and pussied out or we would have gotten glad in Season 6.

    Eve Online: N/A

    Previous guilds and why you left:

    EQ: Black Sheep – Small guild with friends – Quit the game
    DAOC: Tempest Rain – Small pvp guild – Quit the game
    EnB: Static – – Still part of the community
    Lineage 2: Static – – Still part of the community
    WoW: Fusion – Blackhand Classic – Guild broke up
    Nephilim – Blackhand Classic - Guild broke up
    Lat Attempt – Blackhand TBC - Guild broke up
    DoG – Draka Wrath - - Retired
    Warhammer: Panic – Dark Craig – Did not enjoy the game
    AOC: Panic – Did not enjoy the game
    Rift: I am currently in vVv because I got spam invited
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I am an experienced MMO player who strives for perfection in every game I play. I rarely make mistakes and when I do I learn from them and make sure they do not happen again. I am a team player that understands “I” am not the only part of the guild. I am extremely competitive and believe that playing with the best makes you better.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    I am an experienced gamer who has a accumulated a vast amount of knowledge that I am more then willing to share. I have experience leading large scale raids (200+) with multiple guilds and I know how to handle public relations. I am also a money whore in any game I play and I try to dominate the economy as soon as I can which could be a huge asset to the guild.
    Do you have a referral?
    I have played with lots of people from Xen but Denton was the person who told me to app.
    A little bit about yourself?
    Normally I am a pretty relaxed guy who likes to hang out on TS3 and have a good time in game. I can be bit of a douche bag who has an elitist mentality when it comes to PVP. I can not stand it when people make the same mistakes over and over again and I tend to rage. I am also a stoner who is lazy when it comes to typing, I much prefer to talk. I can hop on ts3 if anyone wants to talk to me.
    Activity level?
    50+ Hours
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the RIFT usergroup?
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  2. Kelemvar

    Kelemvar Guest


    please review the Code of Conduct for XoO members here :

    you can introduce yourself HERE

    and get valuable member information HERE

    please review our division forums and information HERE
    welcome to the Rift Division!