Battlefield 1

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Ironjaw, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Anyone playing? Sounds like its more of a return to previous games, seems to have rave reviews so far and normally facebook is full of hate.

    I have bought every single BF game since BC2 and was starting to get fatigued so was wondering if anyone had played this yet
  2. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    I've heard it's really great but I haven't bought a AAA title on release since...idk, it's been a while. I end up just waiting 6 months and buying it for 50% off if the reviews say it's good. That's basically what I did for Shadow of Mordor and I'm pretty satisfied without spending a ton of money. Honestly I think AA was one of the main reasons I refuse to spend a ton of money on games anymore, that game changed me, made me bitter.
  3. It's not bad. It's definitely one of the better FPS games to be released in while. The gun balance is weird and of course the best gun in the game is a shotgun with slugs.

    It is fun in short doses. EA is releasing new maps every month, if you pay for them of course, to keep people interested. We'll see. But they seriously need to work on gun balance. Semi auto and LMG's are the weakest guns for some reason.
  4. yeah trench warfare with a shotgun sounds brutal
  5. Oh, there are no trenches. It's definitely not the european front style WWI.
  6. the videos lied to me!
  7. Scarr

    Scarr Veteran Crowfall Member

    I gave up on FPS games. The mass hacking that was going on with Planetside 2 was enough to make me vomit. I played PS2 like a wargod, countless hours, knew every base like the back of my hand. I could hang out solo or with Joras and stay alive in some Bio Domes for hours past a capture flip. Then the hackers showed up and I would get rekt by a Battle Rank 2 outta nowhere. I tried out Battlefield series and it was the same, aimbots, ESP, radars with hacks that bypass anti-cheat... these kids can even adjust their hacks now to make them seem more legit by delivering body shots on you when you are not firing back at them (reducing headshot kill counts). In my rage to find these hacks, I was able to learn all about them... completely destroyed my desire to ever play another FPS. The best cheaters don't even use the aimbot, they just use subtle cheats like some ESP to know where enemies are at, so they never get surprised (which is basically 99% of an FPS win). The only legit FPS would be full on LAN or playing on a private server with just some buddies you trust.
  8. Tasteynum

    Tasteynum Member Black Desert Member

    I played the heck outta PS2 when it first came out. It was a blast cause it was like some of the good modded Tribes servers. Much like you I got bored with all the cheating so I trolled in the home base flipping ships when they spawned until I got bored with that and quit.

    BF1 looks great but its a reskin of Battlefront which I bought and didn't play for very long.
  9. Th
    Tha why I haven't bought I have bought every one since bc2 and the last few didn't even make it a month
  10. Scarr

    Scarr Veteran Crowfall Member

    The last Battlefield I enjoyed was Battlefield 1942 with the Desert Combat mod from an upstart called Dice. Then EA bought out DICE, and Battlefield has sucked ever since. The whole "Top Down" commander mode is stupid as hell. The cheats make the game a joke. ESP, Radar, Aimbot, etc.
  11. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    That's like, your opinion maaaan.
  12. Scarr

    Scarr Veteran Crowfall Member

    ArcheAge made you bitter? heh, it made a whole lot of people bitter. Biggest Pay 2 Win game ever. I dropped about $20,000 after all said and done.
  13. and did you win!?
  14. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    Trion won.
  15. its fun but when you find a hardcore server it is great
  16. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Add me for Battlefield 1

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    iengendaryBacon (with an i)