
Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by triggerpappy, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. triggerpappy

    triggerpappy Veteran Crowfall Member

    from the makers of Borderlands

  2. That would mean something good to me if all we had was Borderlands 1. But then that company went on to make the horribly broken trash that is Borderlands 2 and became only concerned with making as much money as possible. So ill probably pass on this game simply because the dev's suck.
  3. All the gameplay shown at E3 and in general looks awful. The art style doesn't help.
  4. triggerpappy

    triggerpappy Veteran Crowfall Member

    I agree Overwatch > Battleborn most likely
  5. Evilmaran

    Evilmaran Veteran Crowfall Member

    Thank you for your interest in the Battleborn Closed Technical Test!

    In order to complete your registration we require you to accept a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) by logging into SHiFT via the link below. By accepting the NDA you are agreeing that you will not

    • Capture gameplay footage;
    • Livestream;
    • Post images;
    • Publicly discuss the technical test on the internet.

    We get it, you’re excited – but we’re still very much working on Battleborn and things will change before the game ships in February. Please be cool. Don’t record, stream or talk about the closed technical test other than on the officialBattleborn Closed Technical Test forum.
    Please log into SHiFT and accept the nda in order to complete your registration. If you are no longer interested in participating in the BattlebornClosed Technical Test or do not wish to accept the NDA, no further action needs to be taken.

    From everyone at Gearbox and 2K, we really value your input and hope that you’ll join us in testing Battleborn!

    - The Battleborn team at Gearbox and 2K

    anyone else?
  6. Rag

    Rag Veteran Crowfall Member

    as much as i would love a another borderlands type game be successful, i believe it's going to fail, hard, i don't see any funny(for a select audience) story and characters, no great villain, no epic loot or planned DLC like borderlands 2 which made it successful. Plus it seems like it has an identity crisis that will put people off.
  7. triggerpappy

    triggerpappy Veteran Crowfall Member

    With Overwatch , fortitude, gigantic its attack of the team fortress clones.

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Well cause I know you all hate me!

    I thought I would give you some solid first impressions of this game after playing it the past few days. Cause I'm a fucking badass when it comes to getting my way into closed alphas.

    Needs alot of work.... cause NDA hates me and I'm not suppose to talk about it... but I will say they are making on the spot updates as feedback and numbers roll in. Looks like they want a good game, and putting solid effort into it.

    Impressions vs the OW beta so far, OW looks better right now cause of time spent on the game vs this. I think that if what they have in the works plays out. It very well could get a strong medium sized following.

  9. triggerpappy

    triggerpappy Veteran Crowfall Member

    agreed OW>BB the stress test didnt impress me