
Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Hotshyte, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    What do you think the US people did to the native americans ?
    What do you think the Australians did to aboriginals ?

    They say in the movie that slaughtering the native is bad press for the Company, and so it is better to avoid it.
    Which is why they use tear gas first, then incendiary, and not bullets or tac nuke right from the start.

    Why not ? Those mecha aren't that big, and a lot of the fauna is bigger.
  2. avatar just won best director and picture for golden globes :)
  3. Since when does the golden globes know whats good? =P
  4. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    In my humble opinion, James Cameron doesn't need anything.

    I mean .. look at what he has brought us already

    _The Terminator
    _The Abyss
    _Terminator 2

    now : Avatar

    Upcoming : Battle Angel (GUNNM)

    With such a career, awards don't mean much anymore :)
  5. Senuui

    Senuui Guest

    good movie, just the story ( predictable and cliche)....... They could have paid someone off the streets to come up with something better lol :p.
  6. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    When movies stray off the beaten path, people don't like it. You have to keep it simple for them.

    Example : Matrix.
    As long as it was just another replay of 'lone freedom fighters against the evil empire', everyone liked it.
    When it went on to flesh out its own story, lot of people got lost in the process.
    Can't process something new .. can't assimilate something that doesn't fall neatly into the preconceived slots.
    Do not ever ask people to think if you want to have a blockbuster.
  7. If the story has enough merit people will love it regardless of what genre it chose to take. As for you example of the Matrix, parts 2 & 3 were just bad, it wasn't due to the fact that they were trying to "flesh out their own story" the story was just plain boring.

    A second counterpoint to your K.I.S.S. argument would be two of my favorite movies: The Usual Suspects & Fight Club. While the first falls into the crime story genre, it's written and portrayed so well that there is nothing, in my opinion that can begin to compare to it. As for the latter, I'd be hard pressed to put Fight Club into any genre aside from self discovery. Both of these movies are at times a bit tough to follow, they both give you that WTF moment at the end, and both turned out to be huge successes without having to stick to the "keep it simple stupid" model.

    A movie is and should always be judged on it's story. If the story doesn't have ability to carry the movie, it will be a failure in my eyes.
  8. Collard

    Collard Guest

    saw it last night and have to agree. if you go into the movie realizing that its a familiar storyline and predictable, you can just relax and veg to a 3D movie with great CGI. Setting the bar for movies to come in cinematics and CGI.
  9. That's what I did, and I didn't get angry or disappointed - just enjoyed it for face value.

    Glad I saw it, but more than likely won't ever want to see it again though.
  10. Funny you should mention that, because I believe JC is the only hollywood director to never have movie less than the A list ....

    The flick was good but I am tired of his progressive anti imperialistic message ... alright I get it ... humanity is terrible ...
  11. Retsah

    Retsah Veteran

    Finally got to see it and in IMAX 3D no less. Absolutely spectacular!
  12. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    I thought Abyss was more about the importance of love that anything else.

    As for Avatar, it is simply the lack of mid or long term vision that we witness everyday, IMO.
    Yeah, the natives sit on the biggest ore reserves. But dude, what your chief scientist has discovered about the planet's ecosystem could be worth mega-mega bucks.
    Only if you can free your mind from the obsession of short-term revenue that is...
  13. yeah kinda with the whole wedding ring dynamic ... but still what does the alien show him when he is taken aboard their vessel? A montage of the terrible that man does ...
  14. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    ...And which is redeemed by the last words he typed when alone at the deepest end in the Abyss. They are shown to him after the montage you speak of.

    The 'message' part is only 1 or 2 minutes towards the end of a rather long (and very enjoyable) movie. It's not like he is hammering you down for hours with it.
  15. No, no hammering for sure, but its still there whether its 2minutes or the whole film

    and yeah Abyss was an awesome movie ... much like any of his other movies ... all awesome ... all A-list
  16. Just went to see this, and wow.

    Great film, it goes alittle too crazy at some points in my view but other than that it was fantastic. I really cant describe Avatar any other way.

    100% a must see film.

    We just need to sit back and await for James Cameron's next big hit....Titanic 2
  17. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    No, no , no ...

    Next project has to be GUNNM (battle angel alita in NA) goddamit. Been waiting for years.


    Cameron wears a Gally/Alita T-shirt while directing Avatar, he has secured the rights years ago, did some pre-production too, now's the time !!
  18. GUNNM,
    I have heard that name pop up once or twice these past few days, never really knew anything about it until you pointed the picture out on his shirt.

    As soon as i realised it was an anime and i saw a preview on youtube, i knew i had to watch this (Im a massive anime fan). Looking forward to it. Cheers.
  19. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    I cannot recommend enough that you read the manga.
    The anime made from it shows only a small part of the masterpiece that is GUNNM.
    It is the best manga of hard SF ever made, and deals with profound issues like the definition of humanity in a world where cyborgs and machines are common occurence. Not to mentions awesomely kick-ass fights and sequences. (motorball !!! motorball !! MORTORBALL !!)

    Oh yeah, and the author does very thorough researches about what he writes and draws about.
    You won't find anywhere else things like a character shouting " I hate the second law of thermodynamics !!" (means he hates chaos)

    Oh cool, I found the motorball CGI on youtube :

    Wanna know what happened before ?
    Wanna know what happens after ?


    (note : "GUNNM - last order" is the second series and shoud be read after the first one)
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010