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Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by doctorie, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. Owainn

    Owainn Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    lol wonder what story they are going to steal now and put on some awesome CG
  2. James Cameron presents...."Beauty and the Beast, with blue people"
  3. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    its true. The movie was fundamentally bullshit. I've only ever been able to sit through it once. And even that time, I as boiling with rage that I had just been raped for 60 bucks for two tickets, a drink and some popcorn to see a crappy remake of the Fern Gully meets Pocahontas meets any Michael Moore movie. The hippie anti-govt crap sewed into that movie was just too much for me too enjoy what might have been a monumental achievement in computer animation.
  4. I felt the same, wasted all that money and didn't enjoy it.
  5. Owainn

    Owainn Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    I read an article that the creator/director got pissed because the movie did not win all the awards they felt it should of.
  6. dusanyu

    dusanyu Veteran

    If it Causes more Emos to slit there wrists like the first ones did, I hope they keep making them
  7. This actually happened?
  8. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    heh. doesn't surprise me.

    and i hadnt heard about the wrist slitting. Any further detail? Im strangely interested.... I know I wanted to, but for very different reasons... who out there actually had the guts to off themselves after that blue-toned abortion?
  9. dusanyu

    dusanyu Veteran

  10. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    thats all I got.
    just ...