
Discussion in 'FPS Public Chat' started by Alliterator, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. Alliterator

    Alliterator Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Whats the best f2p fps game other than planetside 2. The upcoming and the best atm
  2. I dont really think there are any good free to play FPS games right now, they are all too pay-to-win. But it looks like Unreal Tournament 4 that is probably coming out later this year will be both good and not PTW.

    In the meantime you can join us in Insurgency and Toxikk, they are both cheap games. Insurgency can sometimes be picked up for $5. Id recommend that one as it has more of a competitive scene at the moment and that is what we are trying to get the division into. Though Toxikk should also have a nice competitive scene coming in over the next few months as more content is released.
  3. Squirl

    Squirl Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    I agree with Enigma most FTP FPS games are pay to win. You would be better off paying a little and getting a game worth playing. I would recommend looking at:


    Free to play:

    Heroes & Generals I have not played this game since Alpha but it was a lot of fun then.
  4. F2P fps games are crap right now. Blacklight Retribution is probably the best you are going to find currently. Upcoming is nothing.

    Verdun and Insurgency are easily the best out there. Both are on par with CoD:MW in playability/stability but each have their downsides.

    Verdun is trench warfare rifles only(a few pistols and an MG class). Overall the game is extremely balanced and the maps can be SUPER intense. But it can also be rather boring attempting to get across some no mans lands. The devs release patches regularly and while some fuck the game over for a week it is quickly fixed. My current opinion is that it is the best rifles only since CoD2 and slightly ahead of Red Orchestra 2.

    Insurgency reminds me a lot of CoD: MW but it is more on the "Tactical side" which means it's much slower paced and people camp in weird spots and kill you with one shot. But getting a game going with a good group and just having a good time is easily possible. A rifles only mod for Insurgency would make me cream in my pants. Just sayin.

    Verdun 8/10
    Insurgency 7/10

    We'll see how they do out of beta.

    EDIT: Forgot heroes and generals. HnG is fun but they recently released a new match system in which every map gets equal resources to spawn tanks/planes/ etc. The only problem is that Most maps aren't made for tanks and everything just turns into whichever side kills the other tanks first then its "rape the infantry" for the last 15minutes. So playing the war is a better option you just run the risk of going up against a vastly superior force.
  5. LordSitric

    LordSitric Veteran FPS Member

    Another good FPS that is really cheap every once in a while on steam is Red orchestra 2, when they do the free weekend plays it normally sells for really really cheap and I enjoy it a lot.
  6. RO2 is pretty awesome too. I just haven't found a group of people to play with to keep it going.
  7. LordSitric

    LordSitric Veteran FPS Member

    I enjoy it I would defiantly be down to play sometime with you I normally play solo but if you get an organized squad its even better.
  8. Alliterator

    Alliterator Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Well thanks to you all for all the suggestion. And im gonna think about should i play fps game again and what game should i play

  9. Squirl

    Squirl Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Sokar I would be up for playing some RO2. I think that LilOwens and Diseray would be up for playing as well.
  10. sweet
  11. LordSitric

    LordSitric Veteran FPS Member

    So when do you guys get on to play some RO2? with 5 of us we could get a good squad going on.
  12. Squirl

    Squirl Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    What would you guys think about tomorrow night? I created a post let me know eather way. I spoke with Lil Owens and he is game. I see that Dullard Nem and Glue have the game as well.
  13. LordSitric

    LordSitric Veteran FPS Member

    I am working nights this week so I can't play tomorrow night but I hope it goes well and I can get in the next one.
  14. I completely forgot there's a group of people who want to play RO2...

    I've been rolling some Verdun lately(just released), having a blast, but I'm down for some RO2. I need to jump on TS.