Armadillos's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Armadillos, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. Armadillos

    Armadillos Guest

    TERA Online Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    Why did you choose XoO:
    Honestly I am not alone , I have a friend with me , about the guild : I need to join XoO because I am looking for english speaking legion that can help me understand how the game is going and to progress together , I found XoO from the Tera forum and saw It on Perento server playing AION so its more familliar than other guilds .
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    I played many MMos since like 8 or more years , and now lets type it in details :) .
    1- AION : I played AION for 2 years since korean too :) I made many chars and reached max lvls with more than 1 char , I had a gladiator as main and max lvl , assassin same , ranger same , then sorcerer , templar , spirit master high lvls and at last a cleric which is a bit low lvl and I didnt make chanter .
    2- Rohan : I played rohan for about a year and I had an Agil Avenger max lvl plus some other chars like darkmages , dekans and elves .
    3- Guildwars : played it for a while but not long so I am not so experianced in it .
    4- Silkroad : I played much on sro but that was long time ago I had many chars max lvls too and I focused on healers and mages (sorcere , cleric) plus warrior ( 2 handed).
    I have played many other MMos too but Its not same style as tera so lets skip them :)
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    1- I am a very friendly player .
    2- Mature and not idiot :) .
    3- fast learning .
    4- have good experiance in that kind of games .
    5- faithful .
    6- I have the sense of that kind of games and thats the most important matter .
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    I am a good player and very flexable means : I can be good leader , good assistant , or even good soldier :)
    I have leaded many raids , sieges ..etc and was good , but I am not bad in all positions too .
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    I explained something like that in the 7th question but lets talk now about disadvantages more .
    I know I am a bit nervous but only with idiots :) none was born pro I know that but dont keep urself without improvment , another point honestly I dont like guild applications cuz I did it before many times and got accepted but guilds werent so good :) so It dont always refer to good guild .
    I applied as lancer here but I am still hesitated between lancer and warrior but lets go for lancer now till we see what gonna happen . btw I am not perfect and none is , but I am always trying to be better and wish Good Luck for you all .
    Activity level?
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
  2. Insho

    Insho Aion CO (EU)

    Thank you for your application.
    We already had a nice chat in Aion and you mentioned you wanted to join with someone else (gf ?) as well.
    I think i can vouch for you as being a friendly guy and reasonable.

    I'll leave the rest to the Tera guys to handle this application.
  3. Thanks, Insho.

    Armadillos, what's the name of the friend that's with you? He or she will need to put in their own application.

    Also, would you be willing to join us in playing the Korean open beta at a cost of about $15 USD?
  4. Armadillos

    Armadillos Guest

    I dont know which Name she is going to choose because she has many character names , If you ask about her RL name I will let her tell you by herself If only she likes to do, for her application I will tell her to apply when she comes back from her vacation and for your last question yes I have np with that but I would still like to know more infos about the game specially the korean version as I dont like to play a game thats not prepeared well in english patch :) (I dont know korean language :D and for AION there was an english patch) , one last thing I am sry for delay reply but I thought that a person named Kyoji is going to reply as he is the Tera team leader but seems like Moneda is one of the recruitment team so Its ok :) .
  5. Apparently you're already a member of the Aion (EU) division. I'll be sending you the TS info (in case you don't have it) so we can speak.
  6. Armadillos

    Armadillos Guest

    I have it
  7. Jarien

    Jarien Veteran Crowfall Member

    Accepted. Make sure you read over the code of conduct and be in TS.