ARK Survival Server

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kyoji, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. We managed to net ourselves a server, we will be making it public. Feel free to discuss any ruleset ideas you may have. Also we need a server name to entice the public. For now it is pretty straight forward.


    Bump it
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2015
  2. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    reserve a spot for me and valkyrie please :)
  3. I enjoy the map locator. Other than that I don't really mind. Though the progressive servers seem to be popular.
  4. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

    Server rules: No blocking off caves

    and the downward spiral begins.
  5. Being the only rule it isn't bad. Besides the reason for the rule is multi-faceted. It is completely unfair in two ways: one is that it allows tribes to gain impregnable strongholds by building under the water. Since you cannot use munitions under water they are impenetrable. Secondly to that I honestly feel the developers will make a change to prevent such things. This will in turn hurt people that did decide to build there. Lastly, it helps server growth as the majority of people looking for a server wish to find a balanced server.

    If people don't like the rule then they can choose not to play. At the end of the day you can't please everyone.
  6. --Abusive Tips--

    Abusing render distance

    Set your render distance to the lowest possible, other players will render in before trees do, which lets you see them while they're in forested areas / behind rocks. Also exceptionally useful for hunting and griefing people. Fly above the trees at max render range and easily spot their base since the trees won't render in.

    In the image above, you'll see none of the rocks rendered and a hidden 1 by 1 easily spotted.

    Abusing orbit camera glitch

    Rebind the orbit camera hotkey to your middle mouse or any other key thats easy to hit. If you're playing on hardcore server, its the key you'll be hitting the most. Zoom all the way out and tilt mouse upwards to look under the map to spot people easily (Use with tip #1). You can also use this to fly above the ocean and look below it for oil nodes etc. If you're in the middle of the map, doing this lets you spot ALL the airdrops on the map.

    In the first image above, you'll see that i'm able to look through the mountain before grabbing the drop. The second image shows other uses for it.

    Abuse flying buildings

    There's certain placements you can make with buildings to make them "fly" You destroy the base of the building when its done, and the building will never come down. I won't go into specifics on how this is done, but devs should fix it soon. Its virtually impossible to take this down unless you use RPGs. You can add icing on the cake by spiking the sides so argents can't destroy it. You can make multiple flying buildings beside each other, each containing the equal amount of loot so no matter how they RPG it down, it wouldn't be worth it for them to raid it. They just spend alot more raiding it than they will get out of raiding you. Bonus if you're online and despawn the loot while they're RPGing it down.

    Example. (Turn up gamma for this image)

    Abuse Offline Raiding

    When you find out which players are in which tribe. Go to steam, click servers, press view server info to check if players are online. Personally I leave the server info open on my second screen, and hit them the moment they go offline. Use arrows to bait all the neutral dinos to their fence, then pike them down from outside. Relatively easy to do. Once everything is down, land above their behemoth gate, then spam U to stop your flyer with you. Kill the rest of the small dinos from above, then start grenading.

    Abuse Dino Pens/Glitch T-Rex

    Shoot at anything that's on neutral, aggro it to the edge of the pen/wall. Stab at it with your spear/pike. The spear/pike outranges any dino's attack range (except brontos I believe) so you can technically kill a lvl 100 trex when you're lvl 1.

    Glitch View Through Ceilings

    Grab a friend, drop him off on someone's roof. Run into the ceiling as you pick him up, he'll be able to see INSIDE the base through the ceilings. This is especially useful to look at the interior of the house and decide whether or not to raid it. (Grenade cost vs Loot) and also to look at the layout and decide which direction you should be grenading/c4ing from. This can also be used to look into bases and decide which walls to break so you can get to the higher floors of the base easily.

    Glitch through walls & ceilings with bronto

    Various other dinos do this too, not only the bronto. But if you use the ceiling glitch stated above and see that someone's in the house trying to despawn his loot, you can rear end a bronto (Especially easy now that dinos can backpedal) into someone's house to use the bronto tail to knock him out of his house and get an easy kill. You can also use this to go into other people's bases. (To clarify, you don't attack with the bronto, you let the normal passive tail swinging of the bronto push you through walls. You can also go through ceilings on the slight upward swing on the bronto tail)

    Glitch Teleport Through Ceilings without dinos

    You can stand above a hatchframe , when it opens upwards, you can glitch through your own ceiling and end up above your house. Especially useful when getting raided by a small group, despawned all your stuff and want to get away safely when they know you don't have a hatchframe at the top of your base.

    Kill a person through a ceiling/walls

    If someone's raiding your base, he's above your ceiling and you have no choice but to despawn loot, try baiting him to talk or hear where he is from his footsteps are coming from. Place 4 spikes to box him in and he'll die if the uppermost layer of your base is 1high. Alternatively, you can demolish the ceiling and box him in, then use spikes to stab him from the sides as shown below.

    Screenshot 1 shows how it looks like when i killed the first guy on the roof. Screenshot 2 shows how I killed the other guy that managed to get through the ceiling. Also, i had a bed placed elsewhere, so I fast TPed off after killing the second guy and despawning the rest of my stuff. Third guy couldn't come in because of the spikes. Wasted over 60 of their grenades and the levels on the other 2. Hardcore server <3


    Gamma for NVIDIA Only.

    Turn up your gamma from here. And toggle between "Other applications control color settings" and "Use NVIDIA Settings". Now at night, you can see clearer than in the day. No more nightvision statfood required.

    Visual aids

    Type "r.bloomquality 0" and "r.lightshafts 0" in console. Now you no longer have glare and reflections. Meaning when facing the sun or moon, you can still see perfectly. Metal buildings also don't shine in your face anymore.

    --Non Abusive Tips--

    Things to bring when you're out raiding:

    1)Longshot (By far the best gun. Equal weapon sway to AR, 1shot HS kills about anything including birds)

    2)Fabricated Pistol (Best Cost-Dmg ratio, also spammable and has decent magazine size)

    3)Bow&Tranq (For low level dinos)

    4)Nades (For walls)

    5)Spiked barricades (EXTREMELY USEFUL, Place it down when you have their huge dinos chasing you. Watch them aggro on it and laugh)

    6)Parachutes (Birds picking you up)

    7)Blood (Self-explanatory)

    8)Sleeping Bag (Place before you raid, so you can spawn instantly incase you die)

    9)Stat food. (Self-explanatory)

    10)Storage Boxes (To keep excess loot in nearby spots to come back and take it later, since you wont be able to take everything back in 1 trip)

    Dodging bullets

    When you see someone, and you're ready to take a gunfight, zigzag when you're running towards him by turning left and right while holding w and shift, and double tap the prone key every now and then (I rebinded mine to Q). You're basically unshootable.

    Running from saddled dinos

    Zigzag through forested areas, they 100% cannot catch you. Use orbit toggle trick to tell where they are while running away.

    Underwater Caves

    Consider basing in one. Auto turrets at the edge of the entrance will start shooting at people swimming in, at that point they can't do anything about being shot at. 2-3 auto turrets makes it essentially unraidable.

    Hiding Loot

    For hardcore servers, there's really no point basing till you have enough levels or blueprints. In this scenario, keep your loot crates in murky waters, or underneath corals in the ocean. Underneath corals is always the safer choice. Also, don't place it too deep as people might run into it while hunting for oil. Also have multiple "GrabNGo" boxes set up in the ocean which contains a set of armor, pick, hatchet, blood, and pike. If you ever die, just pick up from that box and you're good to go.

    Image shows example of murky water that you can hide loot in.

    Extra Thoughts

    -Tribes should have a limit of members on official servers. I've played on an official server (298) which was dominated by a Chinese tribe with over 50 members. Yep, 50 members when the server cap is 70. Raiding them is virtually impossible when they're always online, base on the coast, and keep respawning and punching out your dinos. I tried raiding them with multiple rexes, they just kept respawning and eventually punched everything out. It was however, possible for me to grief them out of the server by just killing all their dinos repeatedly everyday.

    -Exp bonuses should be given to solo players instead of tribes. It's already so much easier when you have a tribe. The XP boost makes the game virtually impossible to play unless you're like me and play 16-18 hours daily. Also, some people enjoy playing the solo game more than with others.


    People were asking in comments for methods to powerlevel and hit 65 in a day, so here are a few "legal/legit" ways you can do it without using any exploits.

    Method One- for solo players : Make spears and collect berries at lv1. Throw them at argents (headshots) to kill a few till you obtain a bow. Keep killing argents (Which drop bows/arrows/berries/armor, and farmable for meat/hide) while taming a trike. When trike is tamed, you should be high enough for a saddle, saddle it up and start farming narcoberries while argents respawn and make narcotics. Btw, 2 stone arrow headshots kill a lvl 29 argent.

    Method Two(INSANELY QUICK)- for tribes : Farm a ton of wood, thatch, and fiber. Keep making the small storage boxes. They give approx 4xp(Not sure if exact) Farming cost to XP ratio for this is actually insane, about 3-4x more efficient than narcotics boosting. This just makes narcotics powerlevelling look complete shit in terms of crafting time to XP ratio too. Since you can be demolishing the boxes you put down for 1/2 the resources back, essentially you're crafting nonstop till you hit the level cap if 2 other people are pooling you resources. Also, when you're picking fiber, you'll get narcoberries for narcotics and other berries to regen food/water.

    Proof images

    The images here show what I did to a few guys that attempted to kill me a day earlier, they tried killing me for 20~mins and I escaped alive by zigzagging through a forest armed with tranqs doing spinflicks. It only took me approx half a day solo to get stuff and demolish the work of 3-4 people. They had a rex, 3 argents, 3 sabers, 2 raptors, 1 mammoth, 1 ankylo, 1 scorpion. I killed everything they had and despawned all their loot before leaving the server as revenge. Killed them as they tried to come out too. This was on OC PVP Hardcore 165. Way too easy to grief.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  7. I saw that post on reddit today. Pretty much the only good info is XP and glare. Well, new info.
  8. Was hoping you guys were playing Ark. I'll come check the server out later today.
  9. Those animal photos make this a slow thread to load thru if on mobile.

    I would suggest to maybe even add the no cave blockage into the title somehow in order to attract traffic.

    Also noticed if you start off server name with quotation marks it puts you higher up in alphabetical sorting...spaces make you 1st I think.

    Need some sort of tag that makes you much different than any other random server. They just released mac n Linux so will be an influx of more players and servers....already 2k+ to choose from, and i suppose most will choose by ping sort.

    Kind of surprised you guys grabbed a server rather than setting up base on one of the official servers. Though the cave blockage is a big issue if on a server with all the caves owned.
  10. Good luck getting all your folks online on an official server
  11. "do you even lift bro?" that you guys?

    I went on a hike to see what the inside of a cave looks like and maybe some crystals for spyglass. Found the SE location cave has already been blocked off with dino gates by the above.
  12. nope not us
  13. Not us, but we should spike the whole outside of it.
  14. Who updates/patches your server, something you guys have to do each time or is it done for you?
  15. LordSitric

    LordSitric Veteran FPS Member

    are you guys playing against each other or as one group? What difficulty did you guys set it to?

    Also what time do you guys play on it? I was on around 10 pm EST yesterday and nobody else was on the server.

    Also advertising on reddit seems to get a lot of players to join, the reddit forums for ark have an unofficial listing you can put the server on and all those ones stay pretty full
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2015
  16. Yeah i hopped on and was wondering the same thing, I was having TS issues at the time so that didn't help. A few people where on but those raptors kept impeding my efforts to survive :D
  17. @Que purchased the server so he may be able to help. I have been out due to computer issues so I haven't played recently.
  18. Yeah we have a server and can set it up however we like. We just need to populate it some how.

    I can't make the forum stop "helping" my link by adding http:// so click here then the ip link on the page to connect.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
  19. Nice base Que....that's pretty pimp inside that rock arch.