MMO (FFXIV, WoW, or Bless) Areli's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Areli, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]
    How old are you?
    What is your in-game name?
    Areli, Glaucos - not sure yet as I've purchased but haven't downloaded the game yet.
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?
    What are the top five games that influenced you most and a little bit as to why?
    Everquest - first MMO played and greatest amount of time spent in a game. looking forward to the EQNext coming soon.

    WoW - was fantastic, still enjoy it from time to time.

    Aion - first game played with XoO - loved playing with this classy community. Couldn't play a game like that with any other community. Loved the PvP.

    Oblivion / Skyrim - grouped together because they are, while not the same storyline, similar in their nature. one of the most perfect single player games ever made. Love the Sandbox game that allows you to either play the storyline or just go and do what you will.

    Planescape - Torment - one of the first single player games I ever got lost in. fantastic amount of imagination that went into developing that story. Abilities from magic Tattoos? so much win there.
    What kind of content do you prefer to PvP, PvE, or both (PvX)?
    What guilds have you played with and what roles did you have within the guild?
    lots of different guilds and I have been anywhere from just a member to XO and CO of different divisions here. It's been a while since I've really thrust myself into a game.
    What brings you to XoO and why did you choose us?
    Been here for years. thought I'd blow the dust off myself and join XoO in a game again. I see KM is playing with this division and who better to play a FF MMO than mister FF himself?
    List some of the things that you think will make you an asset to XoO.
    I'm easy going, have tons of gaming experience, and am for the most part, level headed. I also have jokes...
    You are in a middle of a raid and the raid leader calls out a command you don't think will work out. Do you hesitate and contest, or do you listen anyways and speak your mind after the fact?
    As a member, i know that the raid leader is already busy conferencing with his or her inner circle. I will speak my mind, but to one of those in the leadership positions who can balance my opinions worth before bothering the RL with it.
    A little bit about yourself? *Gaming history, habits, etc...*
    used to be an avid basketball player, now an avid coach. I also ride motorcycles and have two in the stable right now - a souped up Sportster and a Dyna.
    How many hours do you play per week, on average?
    not as much as I used to. likely 20 or under.
    Were you reffered to XoO? If so, enter the name of the person who referred you to XoO
    been here for years. Just finally saw a game I wanted to play with the crew here.
    List the best times for your interview
    early evening times are good - CST here - weekdays are much better than weekends.
    Have you applied to the FF XIV:ARR usergroup?
    Do you have a character already? If so please provide lodestone link to them.
    no toon yet.
  2. Owainn

    Owainn Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  3. I don't have perms for that link :(