ArcheAge miners

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Aetogra, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Aetogra

    Aetogra Veteran FPS Member

    Basically, in ArcheAge we are coming up to a big change in priorities as a new continent is about to open. Lots of miners will be required to do an insane amount of grinding so that the entire guild can benefit from a guild castle - to give an idea of the scale of this, we need about probably over a million stone - when I use my entire reserve of "labor" over a 3 hour period I mine 1000 stone, and I'm max proficiency - to give an indicator of the effort we are going to be putting in.

    So I really want a XoO logo that reflects the pride of being a guild miner. I know it sounds geeky as hell, but I really want to reflect on the galleons, clippers, capes and everything else my pride and the other miners' pride in being a XoO miner doing it for the guild. A badge of honor.

    The current XoO logo is so near to the mark it's unreal, with the cog design and beaten metal, but if there could be a grey/stone/iron equivalent featuring a miners pick (without looking too much like asoviet flag!) it would be SO GREAT.
  2. Samjizz

    Samjizz Staff Member Admin

    Wouldn't having a giant sign saying "we're just defenseless miners with a ship full of loot" be counter productive? :p
    You can get the xoo art pack at:
    There are like 10-15 different logos in there if I remember correctly (including .psd)
  3. Aetogra

    Aetogra Veteran FPS Member

    Hi Sam, in the end Kyoji made one that is the finest of the fine - I'll post you a screenshot so you can gaze at it's wonder soon :)

    Miners aren't defenseless by the way, we're hardcore to the bone! Except for the blacklung :/
  4. Our miner core.... born from the ashes of boredom rose a mighty phoenix of mining domination. Imagine what would have been if we never went to Glitterstone that one dreary night....