App for Kalliope

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Dixie, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. 1. Age: 24
    2. Name (Forum & IGN): Me = Dixie - Toon = Kalliope
    3. Location + Timezone: West coast US GMT -8
    4. Class & level: Spiritmaster lvl 41
    5. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yup, too bad I dont have a sexy vent voice =)
    6. Previous gaming experience: Runescape/Shaiya
    7. Why did you chose XoO: Aliaso told my BF you guys were the best!
    8. Do you have a referal?: Nope guess not :(
    9. What will you contribute to the guild?: Witty conversation! Im pretty active and like to be involved and help out, plus no job = lots of free time to play ;)
    10. A little bit about yourself: Im a super nerd girl looking to be in a guild that actually works! I dont have a job and could use some cool gamers to help fill out my day :p My hobbies include: Xbox, spoiling my dog, reading news articles, being supa awesome and trolling morheim for lowbie ganking noobs and then ganking them :p Oh and if you didnt notice I can be a real chatty Cathy.
    11. Activity Level? (hrs/week): Active daily, hours vary - minimum of 15 hours a week (nothing to do since I am not in a working guild right now, but I am hoping to change that and get more play time in)
  2. Thanks for your application, we spoke to your leader and we are happy to let you all join us, i have sent you the vent info, hope to see you in vent soon to finish your application.

    Dont forget to go to your user CP and apply to the aion EU section.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2010
  3. Sorry I didnt make it on today, had a family "emergency" and got offline suddenly. I hope it will be ok for me to get on vent with you guys around 8pm (noon my time) tomorrow? Really sorry again for the delay!
  4. No problem, just jump in when ever you can, theres no rush :)
  5. Interviewed and Accepted welcome to Xo0.