Alternative to Under Armour

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by haibane, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Hey guys,

    Not sure where to post this but... After going on a shopping frenzy at woodbury N.Y (damn fine outlet place btw), i had the deep sadness inside of me of not having purchased any Under Armour product as they are FREAKING OVERPRICED, even on the biggest outlet mall in the U.S

    I was looking especially at undershirts, socks n underwear, since UA undershirts seem pretty convenient under a uniform and for tactical uses (wanted to use some under my Gi for BJJ and under the suit for normal operations).

    Any of u guys (Military, sports freak or office worker, whatever :p) knows of a good alternative to under armour for under clothes ? Something that would not cost 3 times more than it should.

  2. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    Run into the Governor while you were there? :p

    I'm not sure what tactical uses you have in mind but you need to be careful with the synthetics you purchase. They melt when exposed to heat so they are banned outside the wire.
  3. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Haha yeah it's true it's the same name than in Walking Dead. Was full of zombies shopping like maniacs anyway.

    And, yes, the thing that bugs me is that it's mostly synthetic too and i'm not 100% comfy wearing anything but natural stuff (cotton/silk/cashmere/whatever) directly on the skin.

    I got some UA products for fitness, they nice, dry quickly but i don't know if it's good to wear that stuff everyday, dun wanna get a cancer of the skin or something.
  4. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    Really, "quick-dry" material is all the same. I have a bunch of addidas climacool stuff (loose and tight) and it is just as good as the UA stuff. Not sure about the price as I got it about 1.5 years ago through a university team order.

    As much as possible I only buy natural fibres for daily wear and for outdoor hiking/skiing I stick with merino products. The Smartwool stuff is amazing but it is very pricey, more so than UA. There are other brands that you can find that does merino stuff presumably just as well but for slightly cheaper.

    Recently for everyday undershirts I have started to buy modal shirts with only a few % elastane. I get mine from Ralph Lauren because the cut suits me. I can't say enough good things about the modal fibres. It's not completely natural (made with chemicals) but it is made from cellulose so semi-natural maybe :p give it a shot, it is a lot softer than cotton (I've never tried the stuff from sea-island though. I'm not keen on spending 200 for a t-shirt).
  5. oi what ya doing on my island m8 !!! I know tons of companys make different compression stuff and all but my fav is still the UA line ... I wear UA sztuff daily never had an issues for years now
  6. _Tron_

    _Tron_ Air Supremacy

    Heh love this question. So just to cert my personal experience I do a lot, a lot, of triathlons and long distance running. Not only that but for most of my competitions I did them in the bitter cold of Wisconsin (so I know a thing or two about compression layers).

    1) Are you a specialist? I.e. what sports do you specialize in? If you are going to shell out money for good stuff either go with a company highly reputable in your sport or at least shell out the money to really good stuff like

    2) If you don't care about having the best quality stuff that will last around 2 years; wear any $5-10 knockoff underneath your usual workout shirt/shorts (keep in mind it will last in my experience around 2-3 months tops). Big warning here DO NOT GET ANYTHING WITH X% COTTON. Cotton kills, especially up in Wisconsin. Seen too many people come in to ER because of wearing cotton out while exercising in the cold. IMO compression knockoffs with cotton in them should never be sold but go figure.

    3) Buy through a program. A lot of teams, stores, competitive groups such as USA triathlon have deals through their systems. If you don't care about reused items there are plenty of get togethers through these groups where folks will sell their top of the line stuff, especially the pro's when they get the new stuff.

    4) I'm not sure what bases are near you but I know at the marine exchange near D.C. they had a lot of knockoffs and UA that was a bit cheaper, maybe $10 - $20 and they have nice sales once in a while.
  7. Samjizz

    Samjizz Staff Member Admin

    When i was in MMA i used to wear:
    for bottoms
    and just a cotton shirt for the top
    For no-gi you use the cotton shirt top and gi pants (or just your clinch-gears when your gi pants are in the wash)
    and for GI training you just wear the cotton shirt inside the Gi or don't wear anything under your Gi top, it's up to you
    (i would suggest keeping a shirt under your Gi, because by the end of class the mats will be one giant puddle of sweat and even though you get used to it, you don't want to shower in someone else's bodily fluids :p )

    I think what you're looking for is a rash guard, rather than a compression shirt.
    Your UnderArmor compression shirt isn't built for grappling so it may not last as long as a rash guard (depending on the quality) plus I've heard people complain that their compression shirt is restricting their movement while grappling
    A rash guard is made specifically to be rubbed against things, it's literally meant to be a layer between your skin and the mat/opponent

    I've never purchased either so i cant personally attest to the feel of them, however when choosing a company to buy your top from. I still to this day own my same original pair of clinch-gear shorts and they're still in perfect condition even after multiple years of fighting in multiple styles (that's 4-7 hours a day training)
    So if your just doing 1 class a day at the most, i'm sure clinch-gear would be a trustable company
  8. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Thanks for all the infos :)

    It'll be mostly for grappling yeah and for office use. I'll have to get compression cold gear next year (at least) when i'll finally be allowed to use firearms here and i'll have to stand still freezing in the outdoor long range (300-500m).

    So i guess i'll go for the rash guard and some thights for grappling and take a look at the modal shirts for everyday use. People tend to say target stuff is quite good.

    U can also look like a warframe with rash guards :

    I also found something for Kyoji :

    The one and only honey badger Gi.
  9. Depends on the temp as well, I know here, for roughly a full month it's -50 degrees Celsius, any dry fit gear is not recommended. I thought it would be good since when you start to sweat it will dry quickly, but in those temps, it actually clings to your skin and keeps it colder for longer. (From my experience) Are you military by chance?
  10. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Damn it's that cold in Halifax ? Or u're talking about the humidex temp ? If so, it's bout the same than Montreal.

    I'm not Military anymore no, but i still should shoot whenever i got the license here :)
  11. No actually that's just where I'm from, currently in Shilo MB.