Allods Anyone?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Vandiego, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. The graphics look like a blend of Warhammer and WoW. The ui is very cartoony like WoW's original one.

    Anyway I'm in the beta. I probably won't play much since finals are next week but I'll try it out.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2009
  2. I agree, I'm updating the client as I type this. Worst case is I uninstall it, that's the nicest part about FTP/Cash Shop games.
  3. Yup yup. There's a program called PBM that will run with it. It sucks up your bandwidth even when you stop downloading so make sure to cancel it.
  4. I can't believe how much fun this is. Best FTP I've ever played, (at least to level 10) :)
  5. Ronin, Ragehoof, and I are playing. These freaks wanted to play League so yea. I'm playing a pally but I have a level 8 Mage on the other side.
  6. Cool cool, I rolled an empire warden, having a lot of fun with him thus far. My only big complaint is the auto attack range is so tight it's almost impossible to get inside of during mobile combat.
  7. Yea melee combat can be a bit annoying. On my paladin I have no auto attack and my energy goes away soooooo fast that I'm just standing there for at least 30-40% of the fight.
  8. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    So whats up with the cool airship battles I see in the trailers? Do you even get to set foot on an airship? The videos make it look like you can control them and have ship-to-ship battles.
  9. Yea you get ships to fly and what not. I have no idea how atm. We can only get to level 20. The empire actually start on one of the ships.
  10. Yea, one of the empires first quests is to attack the Legion's ship with our cannons. It's really pretty cool, I'd love to see an ship style instance where you have to keep repelling boarders and fighting off other galleons.
  11. I'll definitely check it out, I got tons of emails about this but I thought nobody else would be interested so I missed out on the beta keys. Anyone have an extra? Otherwise I'll just wait for OB.

    Edit: Hey lucky me, I got a beta key. Downloading now.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  12. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    anyone still playing this by any chance? I recently started playing and first impression is it's a decent little WoW clone except it's free of course.There seems to be a lot of bad vibes about the way the cash shop was handled, not sure if thats fixed or not tbh.

    Supposedly there is a major patch coming near the end of April thats supposed to better the game but I don't really know enough about it to say.

    Last edited: Apr 10, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  14. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    Look at the date of his post :p
  15. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    Haha pwned.
  16. I did just get rocked.
  17. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    It's funny I started messing around with this game and it only made me want to play around with WoW again.

    It's a like a perfect example of why WoW dominates the market.. these other games that try and copy it only make you remember the very thing that influenced it.