All time favorite games

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Blasphemy, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. K, just wanted to see what everybody's tastes are in gaming. By category, list your all time favorite games.

    RPG: Morrowind

    MMORPG: Star Wars Galaxies

    FPS: Medal of Honor Allied Assault Spearhead

    Fighter: Street Fighter

    I don't play RTS, but if you do, list it or any other category.
  2. RPG: Dont like them much

    MMO: Guild Wars

    FPS: CoD4

    Fighter: SSBB

    RTS: Starcraft

    Puzzle: Portal

    Zombie survival: Left 4 Dead!

    If I think of any others I will list them.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2009
  3. MMO: RFO

    FPS: CoD 1

    Fighter: Tekken series (Waaay back on playstation)

    RTS: Age of Empires series xD

    RPG: Final Fantasy X, IX, X-2, VII
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2009
  4. Fighter: Street Fighter 3 (haven't played 4)

    MMO: Guild Wars

    Action: Rivercity Ransom

    FPS: CoD4

    RTS: Starcraft
  5. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    Too many to list, so I'll just list the most recent ones I've played within the past year:

    Action: Mega Man Zero 4

    Adventure: Fate/Stay Night

    Fighter: Melty Blood

    FPS: Team Fortress 2

    Puzzle: Tetris

    RPG: Valkyrie Profile

    RTT: Medieval 2: Total War

    RTS: Company of Heroes

    Rail Shooter: Panzer Dragoon Zwei

    Light gun shooter: House of the Dead

    Shmup: Ikaruga

    Simulation: ?

    Survival horror: Resident Evil 4

    Sports: Ken Griffey Jr. MLB
  6. MMO: Guild Wars
    Action: Diablo (Series)
    RPG: Baldurs Gate (Series)
    FPS: Fallout 3
    Strat: FF Tactics
  7. Sirius

    Sirius Veteran Crowfall Member

    RPG: Seiken Densetsu 3 (debatable how much of an RPG it really is but anyway)
    MMO: Probably GW, until further notice at least
    FPS: Unreal 1
    Strategy: Uhh... hm. Maybe Front Mission, though it could be FFT. Not sure.
    Adventure: Riven

    P.S. Really should mention the two names "Diablo 2" and "Descent" but I don't know where to put them, so ... yeah.
  8. prNu

    prNu Veteran Bless Online Member

    Action-RPG, so yeah it fits the RPG category.

    There's so many to pick from but guess I'd go with these.

    RPG: Suikoden 2
    FPS: CoD4 / CS / TF (the very first one :p), in that order.
    MMO: Right now, RFO and Legend of Mir, Darkfall might take the spot soon if they step up a bit.
    Action: Fallout 3 (I know it's Action-RPG, but I'll put it in this category instead)
    Strategy: FF:Tactics
  9. 60 views, 7 replies. This is a gaming community correct? Hehe

    Thanks for the posts guys, gonna check out some of the games you like.
  10. People check back.

    RPG I'm going to run with NWN but I'd pick D&D if it qualified.
    MMO, GW so far.
    FPS would be Descent 2. Still haven't found anything I like more after 13 years.
    RTS, Starcraft.
  11. OrangeMilk

    OrangeMilk Guest

    MMO - Guild Wars, though it's basically the only one I've ever played

    FPS - Ghost Recon, not Advanced Warfare, but the original and it's expansions
    I hosted a dedicated server for about a year.

    RTS - General Lee's Civil War, it was very basic, but I enjoyed it. As I recall
    You were able to play against someone via the internet, of course you needed the persons phone number to do so and dial them up.

    I'm not sure wahat catagory "Freelancer" falls under, but that is a game I rather enjoy from time to time. The Discovery Mod is pretty sound.
  12. this are some of my all time favorites games.

    Fighter: street fighter 3 third strike, KoF 2000, KoF 98. SSF2T, SF4.
    (what can i say they all have their strong points)

    JRPG: Chrono Triger, Seikend densetsu 3(duran sukks but i love the character),FF6.

    CRPG:Baldur's Gate (series).TES (series)

    TS: Civilization (series)

    RTS: Total WAr (series)

    Action: Diablo 2

    SC: Super Mario World, Super Metroid

    FPS: Turok 2 (what can i say, it was the first one that i beat. and enjoyed playing it with my frieds)

    Sports: International Superstar Soccer 98.

    Wrestling: WcW vs NWO revenge, WWE No Mersi

    MMO:Age of Conan

    Multiplayer online game: Guild Wars.

    and there are many more.
  13. Samakar

    Samakar Veteran

    RPG: Neverwinter Nights, greatest online community ever.
    MMO: City of Heroes
    FPS: Call of Duty 4
    RTS: Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 (Or any of them really)
    Fighter: Tekken Series
  14. Hell yeah Rain, my second favorite rpg is Chrono Cross.
  15. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    RPG: Baldurs Gate II ( NWN series comes close but it lacks a certain charm BG possesed )
    JRPG: Final Fantasy Series
    MMO: EvE Online
    4X: Civ 4 ( mostly the FFH2 mod )

    I couldnt make up my mind for a FPS.
  16. MMO: Guild Wars

    RTS: Starcraft

    RPG: Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VII

    Action: GTA2 (Don't know if this counts, but don't care, <3 this game soooo much and before you ask, hated 3+)

    Puzzle: Puzzle Quest

    Adventure: Sonic 3 + Sonic & Knuckles <3, Many of the other in the Sonic series though certainly not all... :/

    FPS: Fallout 3? if I ever stop being lazy and get used to the PS3 not allowing me to invert the camera controls, or play it on the computer... as is have only played like 2 hours of it :p Liked the first 2 but they were not first person, and were much more turn-based.

    Fighting: Soul Calibur series

    Turn-based strategy: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Advance Wars series

    Kid's game: Drawn to Life - I wanted to mention this game just because I was endlessly amused by being able to draw all the little things in the levels that you interact with, along with your little character that you play. It's a really simple game, but man, I was kinda sad when it was over lol XD It helped that I have a DS supercard and *cough* huhwhat?
  17. MMO: CoX or Vanguard

    FPS: Battlefield 2

    Fighter: Street Fighter

    RTS: Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun
  18. Endless

    Endless Veteran

    MMO: Dark Age Of Camelot
    RPG: FF7
    Strategy: Shining Force 2
    RTS: Original C&C Red Alert without the Counterstrike expansion. And Dawn of War.
    FPS: Quake 3, Halo 3.
    Adventure: Discworld
    Fighter: Tekken 3, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (SF4 recently)
  19. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    MMO: Was EQ now its Darkfall

    RTS: The one and only greatest RTS game of all time Starcraft. AoE is close but can't play with the big dog from Blizzard.

    FPS: Was Medal of Honor: Allied Assault(the original) the expansions killed that game. I'd still pop that in if I got bored. Now CoD4. Since I'm pretty sure Infinity Ward different name then possibly started MoHAA so thats why I continue with their games.

    CARDS: Texas Holdem or with group of 4 Euchre

    Fighter: Tekken Series not as much cheese as Mortal Kombat even tho it was fun too.
  20. RPG: Phantasy Star for the Sega Master System. and Final Fantasy

    MMORPG: Ultima Online

    FPS: Battlefield 2 and BF2142

    Fighter: I guess Street Fighter.. I don't really play those so..its really the only thing that comes to mind that I have actually played =P

    RTS: X-COM (the entire series) The first few were actually turn based, but later it went to real time. Still one of the best IMHO