Alien Swarm

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by The Communist, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. How does one find these maps/campaigns?
  2. They are being hosted on random sites, but don't bother because they are both garbage.
  3. I uploaded that CS:S Office addon to my own web space. Anyone who wants it can click this text and download it. The site the creator uploaded it to is shifty^10 and uses fake "download it" links to send you to ad sites. :mad:
  4. They are both very good, I need 3 more people to play them with :D
  5. wasn't this game first a mod of another game? Kind of like how counter strike was a mod to half life?

    I can't remember what game though.. I want to say BF2... edit: durr it says Source SDK XD
  6. My brother gave me a pretty good idea for this on my way home from work. With some weeks off of school I'm gonna take a look at what can be done with this.
  7. this out about alien swarm..possible HL episode 3 ..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. play alien swarm in FIRST im tempted to play

  9. The controls are bad in first person, I've tried.
  10. It's crazy how many people are playing Alien Swarm... Phantasy Star Online is a much better 4-player co-op game and it's free too. :)
  11. MrMakuto

    MrMakuto Guest

    Played this with 3 of my friends last night before we went out. Was bloody funny :D! I rolled into a pit and died and my other mate was stood right behind a door as the swarm was breaking it down! Boom, door on head!
  12. This game is just that, fun. I have to play it each day, it gets repetitive, but with user created content their is so much replay value.
  13. I second this!
  14. Is anyone else almost on their second promotion?
  15. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    LF team for insane and speed runs :D
  16. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Haha it's always funny when that happens people walk up and you just can't help but lol when the door kills them. That is until you realize "oh shit now were a man down" and your group starts falling apart. I've also seen a lot of people run into that pit.