Aion NA Represent!

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by kinetic medic, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. Greetings!

    As part of our on going efforts to continue to build our community in the Aion NA division we recently had two photo shoot events to capture a few pics of our community to share with the rest of XoO.

    Behold, the Daeva's of XoO Aion NA!



    Our future efforts will include stepping up our PvP and organized PvE activities as well. In addition we are looking to our members to nominate a new member of our ranks to join the leadership team in helping to promote our PvP and PvE efforts as well.

    Soar high Daeva's, and expect to hear great things from our division again soon!

  2. Go Go Aion (NA)!

    (P.S. and EU too)
  3. keep up the good work!
  4. prNu

    prNu Veteran Bless Online Member

    Is that all that's left of the ~200 ? :p
  5. That's all who were able to show up to the two photo shoots, I'd say we're down to about 30-40ish members total, so yeah bit of a decrease but we're solid as a rock and starting to grow again.

    Note: these are people on their mains, I have a feeling our original numbers may have included alts in the count which I am not doing so... yeah :)

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2010
  6. Vapor

    Vapor Tera Troll

    Sweet shots v:cool:
  7. dash

    dash Guest

  8. Calabane

    Calabane Veteran Bless Online Member

    Great pics! Too bad it's of the inferior race!

    One Love,
  9. Energy

    Energy Member Crowfall Member

    This saddens me from when we first begun, but time is of the essence and we all must move on! ;[
  10. boo aion is like never never land(not the never never land where children get "aledgedly(sp)"raped by a white lady). its where i have fun and everyone tells me im a fanboi but they r all just jealous of love for endless grind:D
  11. It's always amazing to me when people comment about how far things regress without realizing what having about 2/3 of the legion quit the legion in the first 2 months as well as having the leadership change 3 times in 3 months. That'll fk you up real good.

    Bottom line, we're back on track to doing what xoo should be doing in a game.
  12. Dirdy

    Dirdy Guest

    I was thinking about playing Aion again, what server do you guys play on?
  13. We're on Zikel. Kicking butts and tking names hehe

    If you're thinking of playing again, this weekend is double xp. That is always full of win ;)
  14. good job guys, thought I posted in this already...huh, guess not.
  15. you want me back? wow thats kinda weird. i think most people would tell me to stay in china. seriously PVE glad FTW! who wants to buy me UD so i can pvp? lol

    i'll be back with my normal hours agian on tuesday btw