
Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Adema, May 8, 2010.

  1. Adema

    Adema Guest

    1. Age (18+ Requirement): 21
    2. In-Game Name: Adema
    3. Current Class: Sorc
    4. Level (Suggested Req. of 40): 12
    5. Do you have vent and a mic?: Vent yes Mic not until this friday coming up
    6. Previous gaming experience: Wow 5 years, SWG 2years, AoC 6months, DoC 2 years, UO 3 years.
    7. Why did you choose XoO?: Seem pretty solid group, im also new trying to find a new home and people to hang with.
    8. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: Not sure yet really, gonna be honest about it, im pretty easy going i dont have problems getting along with folks.
    9. What will you contribute to the guild: My dedication to try and do better.
    10. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: Give 110% that i can to help us progress.
    11. What guild were you previously in or are you currently a member of, and why do you wish to leave? I havent yet.
    12. Do you have a referal?: No
    13. A little bit about yourself: Im 21, manager in training at a restaurant, Love to hang with new people. Weight lifter, and fitness nut.
    14. Activity Level? (hrs/week): 30+ hours a week
  2. we now use teamspeak 3.0 make sure to DL it:D