AA new website update

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by TwilightAngel, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

  2. im interested

  3. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    lolol doc
  4. Dear god if this got a 2013 I would shit a brick.
  5. Looking forward to this game a lot. Interested in the naval combat and exploration!
  6. that is a very well done website
  7. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Iv notice most Japanese and Korean websites blows alot of NA/EU sites out of the water
  8. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    So why was the AA thread about Trion closed?
  9. Kyoji hates freedom.

  10. My dream sandbox pvp mmo is getting closer to being a reality. I shall rise from the ashes like a pvp phoenix, unleashing my fury upon the helpless masses as I exact my revenge for years of shitty linear mmo's with craptastic pvp.
  11. sounds kinda epic blas ...