Site A few site updates

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Over the last few weeks we have been hard at work helping to increase productivity on the forum and provide better tools for our members. I have listed most of the changes we have made (exuding some of the background stuff). Take a look at a few things we have done for you.

    Division Tools
    This is only view-able if you are in a specific division at the moment. Ideally it will hold information pertinent to your division such as Events, Tax/Donation Tracking and other important information.

    Since it is controlled through the usergroups I have set that specific information to only show if you are in that usergroup. So Crowfall members will only see Crowfall drop-down links and Black Desert members will only see Black Desert links unless they are registered into multiple usergroups in which case they would see both.

    Division leaders will need to let me know what they wish to have displayed and I will be able to update it. Furthermore, I can customize extra areas specific to officer usergroups so if a division would like a drop-down only for officers we can add that in as well.

    I have added a nice Discord link at the top of the navigation (only viewable to members). So feel free to join and ask for the proper permission upgrades so you can view everything in there.

    Updated FAQ
    I have updated the FAQ information located in the members area. I will eventually finish up the FAQ section with proper sub-link drop downs for ease of access to include TS3 information, etc.

    News Icons
    I have re-worked some of the news icons and have added proper icons for each division.

    A few examples:

    Awards & Award Request
    I also added a drop-down for Award Requests. If you are missing an award or qualify for an award simply click that link in the drop-down to request your award. It will be looked over and given to you shortly thereafter.

    Furthermore, we have updated the awards list and intend to issue global and division specific awards for our members once again.

    A few examples:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Incident Report Form
    While we have had this for a while it has been mostly hidden from every-day view. Tucked away in areas less visited. It has now been put under 'Contact Us' in the drop-down navigation. Simply click on Incident Report Form and you will be taken to that form. The form is used for anyone with issues with another member, leadership, or an issue that they feel is important to bring up.

    Accolades Update
    Also went ahead and re-did the accolades to something more snazzy.

    Example below:
    Forum Re-Structuring
    The forums have changed to allow for smaller games such as Ark, Minecraft, Conan Exiles, etc to get more presence on the forums.

    Currently the area for these games is called General Gaming and is view-able to members, veterans and people who join the General Gaming group.

    We have also changed the naming structure for our divisions into Official Divisions and Upcoming Divisions.

    Official divisions will have specific criteria laid out in order to be considered an official division such as member support, leadership, recruitment, and having a competitive goal.

    Upcoming divisions are currently for games that are building interest and have not yet made the leap to Official just yet.

    What's to come...
    Well you may be wondering what is next. The plans are to add a XoO Store link in the top navigation somewhere so you can purchase your favorite XoO swag.

    We plan to add a streaming/youtube area for content creation. We want to expand on our streamers out there and offer our members a better platform to view them.

    We will expand on the contact us feature and allow for more specific things such as alliance selections, site/server selections, profile/integration issue selection, etc so that it isn't so much of a generic contact us form but allows you to fill it out and allows us to send it to the correct people rather than it all going into the admin email box.

    We will expand on that Division Tools and incorporate more divisions into it once we get the information for it so keep an eye out.

    and so much more will come in due time; this is just the start. Hopefully we can continue to provide you guys with an enjoyable experience on the forums and will work hard to get you guys the best experience available.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
    Que and Ironjaw like this.
  2. Looking good, always nice to have some living breathing people who can work on the site!
  3. A big thanks to @Arimil for helping with the PHP coding. He is a master coder.
  4. Those icons are looking really sleek. Well done on them and the site!
  5. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Excellent updates!!!
  6. mhudson

    mhudson Member Crowfall Member

    nice update. love the crowfall icon