980 TI ?

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by haibane, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Will they arrive someday ? Are they just a mirage ?

    I believe it's the only card to get to upgrade the 780 for 1440p gaming ? (Maybe 4k once OR is out).

    AMD arrives with aggressive cards but i fear that their drivers willl be as bad as usual :(

    When do you think the cards will be available ? This summer or Q3-Q4 ? 2016 ?

    Trying to think ahead for a build...
  2. We dont know what it will be called, but GM100 does already exist. it may be released as a Titan model costing $1k+, or it may be the start of a new numbering series, or maybe just called a 980Ti. Nvidia has been waiting for AMD to release their cards before it will be coming out, and AMD wont be releasing their cards for a few more months at least. The "980Ti" should be about 50% faster than the current 980 since it has 50% more resources all around. The current 980 is already an upgrade over a 780Ti, but IMO it isnt worth it due to the cost to just get a few FPS improvement.

    WCCF just started a rumor (which is all they ever do, and just say things they found users saying via a Google search) that we may see the "390X" being demoed at GDC.
  3. I have seen a nice increase from my 780 ti to my 980 in 1440p ... but I also am able to return my video cards when ever I want at work ... is it worth the money ? NO ... but yes it is a bit of an increase / smoother
  4. EDIT: Looks like I was wrong. Titan X just got announced.
    12GB vram.


    Though more information such as core count, etc will probably still be coming a the GPU technology conference in a couple weeks. Whether there will be a "980Ti" or not is still unknown and probably wont be known for at least a few months past the launch of this Titan.

    The good news is, that we already know this Titan X is a "full featured" die because it matches the specs of the big enterprise GPU. That means that the cut down consumer version with half the memory and crippled double precision FP wont only live for a few months before a new, better version is released like the 780 to 780Ti was.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2015
  5. Rbstr

    Rbstr Veteran

    I love PR BS and the way news outlets play into it sometimes
    It was already a thing you had, you just put it in a new package for different people! You planned to do it this way all along and you're just saying those words because they're buzzy! Anyone who paid attention to this stuff at all knew you were going to release this thing! wargggarabble!
  6. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Thx Enigma, i was about to post that Titan X but i guessed you already did anyway :p

    I'm gonna have to go and raid Erock's stock someday. My 780 doesn't deliver constant 96fps on 1440p so i will see what i'll do in the future.

    I'm always weary of AMD cards but maybe they'll get their drivers right someday. Nvidia is very smooth tho got years old cards working like charms still.