
Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by TwilightAngel, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

  2. Xiline

    Xiline Ceviel D'Ark

    2011? wha? o_O
  3. So the new droid phone from Motorola? Never liked those phone. They have WAY too many bugs and crashed a lot. Plus Motorola is notorious for locking down their phone incredibly tight and changing security all the time so development of custom ROMs takes forever :/
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011
  4. Xiline

    Xiline Ceviel D'Ark

    Yep but Twi posted the year wrong :O
  5. strange I didnt really get the commercial.
  6. Xiline

    Xiline Ceviel D'Ark

    at first I was like wtf is this a movie?? Then I had to google it to find out its the new motorola Droid Bionic phone.
  7. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    The droid Bionic is set to come 9/8/2011 from what it just showed on the tv..... how am I wrong?
  8. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    erm ok... never had issues with my droid X

    I can say the same for Iphones tooooooo =P
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011
  9. Xiline

    Xiline Ceviel D'Ark

    Just love to argue whit ya :p
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011
  10. I've never heard a bad thing from anyone with a droid but the same cant be said about the iPhone.
  11. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    true true, just I like the Android phones since they are more open source and what not like Windows where as Apple likes to control everything for the Iphone and same for there Apple comps. Yes this means my phone can get virus easier but who cares I have stuff that blocks it and i know what not to do and go and click on lol.

    But trust me if someone really want to screw with apple's and iphones with a virus it can be done it was proven macs can to get a virus and can spread like it did a few yrs ago but was stopped fast
  12. Xiline

    Xiline Ceviel D'Ark

    I have an Xperia X10 and have no problems with android
  13. I never said I hated Android or had a lot of problems with it. Android is great. I have just had 3 friends with DROIDs who have all had very serious problems with their phones.
  14. Blackice

    Blackice Veteran

    It appears to be an awesome fighting staff, but I'm pretty sure you can just carve one out of a large branch anytime you want.

    Friggin' ripoff.