660 ti or 670?

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by rguitar87, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. rguitar87

    rguitar87 Guest

    Should I pick up a gtx 660 ti or save for a 670 4gb? Looking to provide the required gpu power to max out all current and games within the next year or two on a single display setup.
  2. 670 if you can save up. Totally worth the extra $$.
  3. I've got an EVGA 660ti (superclocked) and it runs every game, maxed out, extremely well. Including PS2.

    Note that the 660 and 660ti are completely different. (ti being better)
  4. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    evga 670 ftw edition = lots of win
  5. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    If you're asking I'm assuming either is an option so go with the 670 if you have a choice. Totally worth it.
  6. Ryld Enigma and I all run 670's

    I dont believe the 660TI will be able to keep up running everything on max in two years as you mentioned you want to do. Find a 670 on sale for $350, thats what i did.

    I run a single monitor display at 2560x1440 and a 670 tends to struggle with Metro 2033 with everything on the highest settings, unless you run a physx chip, that tends to boost your frames a bit in that game since Metro supports it.
  7. Was your $350 670 a 2gb?
  8. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    It can't keep up now.... Crysis 3 on max fucking eats GPUs alive. That is a sign for what's to come. The only thing that isn't being raped is the memory. 2gb is still plenty if you are running a single monitor. People with 680s are even getting owned. SLI 670/680 are okay. My 670 has been sitting at about 400 for the last 3 months. It's really tempting to get another one at that price but I will wait until it is closer to 350 before I do that or there are rumblings of production being stopped.
  9. I'm thinking 2gb for my setup as I'm only using 1 monitor at x1080 and never going to pay for 3x setup. And I can save a little cash too, which is my big thing right now.

    Can't really go wrong with the x70 series. I had a 470 and 570 and they have been outstanding.
  10. yeah i got mine on sale + rebate, its a 2gb, dont really need 4 unless youre running skyrim with hundreds of mods iirc
  11. I haz the 670 MSI Power Clocked ... blows the shit outta my old 560 ti (and just so bishop knows I did pay way less then he did)
  12. rguitar87

    rguitar87 Guest

    Thanks guys. As of now I'm thinking I may even wait and get a 680. :D
  13. Rbstr

    Rbstr Veteran

    Eh, I dono, the 670 is a much better value. I'm hard pressed to recommend the 680 even when people's budget fits in in fairly readily.
  14. Ya, the 670 is pretty darn close in performance to the 680 in games.
  15. what enigma said ... if you can find one powerclocked your gonna LOVE IT!!!
  16. yeah i wouldnt bother with a 680, waste of extra money in my opinion. get two 670's on sale :D