49 cleric + others :)

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Kyleria, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. Kyleria

    Kyleria Guest

    Hi! I'm Kyleria, typically known as Kim, because up to this point every avatar of mine has been Kimbrianna, Kimbrya, etc... I went a little incognito for Aion because too many people I knew went asmo-zikel, but those who know me typically call me Kim.

    1. Age (18+ Requirement): I'm currently going on my second round of 29
    2. In-Game Name: Kyleria, Kimbrya
    3. Current Class: 49 Cleric, 15 templar (ha)
    4. Level: see above
    5. Do you have vent and a mic?: I have an awesomely uber plantronics wireless mic that has served me well for the last 5 years...my hubbie and I also have a 50man vent available if needed
    6. Previous gaming experience: I lost my MMO virginity to UO waaaay back in like '96. Shortly thereafter I was introduced to Dark Ages of Camelot and was quickly hooked. Played DAoC for about 8 years, dabbled in Aoc (80 priest) WOW (58 shaman), and WAR (40 Runepriest)....yeah....support4life
    7. Why did you choose XoO?: I actually hadn't considered it until I grouped with some of your folks and they said you were recruiting. I figured you guys were plumb full by now :)
    8. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: Because I'm a badass cleric (when I'm not completely inebriated) and I really like some of the folks in your legion. When they gave me the website and I saw how huge you all are, I thought to myself, "sweet!" I'm more of a 'tell me where to be and when to be there' kind of gamer, so I really like the organization.
    9. What will you contribute to the guild: I will bring with me a handful of excellent players with eccentric personalities (Vald, Tehjin, and Volmer ...well Volmer is the hubbie who is kinda mia in game atm....but all fine gents who know how the heck to play their chars, even tho they can be cocky bastards at times)
    10. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: I'm always willing to lend a helping hand if I'm not caught up in anything at the moment. I'm also 434 Tailor w/ 399 handicraft :)
    11. What guild were you previously in or are you currently a member of, and why do you wish to leave? We were all in Dawn's Rebirth....the gms were a cohabitating pair that parted ways and guild pretty much imploded.
    12. Do you have a referal?: Alexandria, Axedog
    13. A little bit about yourself: I am actually female. I own at billiards.
    14. Activity Level? (hrs/week): Alot, typically play daily for 3+ hrs
    15. Apply to usergroup: uh...ill try to figure how to do that

    After you apply please go to User CP --> Usergroups --> and join Aion Member.
  2. Heya and welcome! I'll be on tonight doing a TC run more than likely so I hope to see you on then :) Also please ask your friends to fill out apps as well, just for the sake of my anal retentive recording keeping nature :p

  3. Kyleria

    Kyleria Guest

    I must have figured it out last night, but for clarification, it threw me off because I think it is "Social Groups" and not "Usergroups" that you do it in. I'm blonde, small confusions like that sometimes take a lil figuring out...:D

    I will have Tehjin and Vald put in apps (I'm a bit OCD myself, no worries there! hehe), I won't waste your time with Volmer yet til he decides if he is ever going to get his lvl 40 arse moving. Vald is off to Hawaii for a lil over a week (bastard) and probably won't apply til he gets back.
  4. bara

    bara Guest

    That's a good cleric, I know her\him ;)
  5. Kyleria

    Kyleria Guest

    Thanks for the vote of confidence barakuda :) However, I cannot access the links Foxy listed, I may not have adequate permissions yet?
  6. bara

    bara Guest

    kyleria you are in my friends list, remember ? ;)
  7. Seven

    Seven Guest

    Guess you need to cut your 'break' short and come back now!!!
  8. Kyleria

    Kyleria Guest

    I remember the name! (i love that dang song...always reminds me of charlie's angels) but I probably didn't remember you on my friends list if you've been mia lately