1. Softcore

    Softcore Guest

  2. Looks like its going to be terrible.

    They should've called it The Day After:12212012

    I also thought the Mayan Calender just ends on 12212012. Doesn't really "predict" anything.
  3. I would have thought the fact that it just ends would of tipped you off?
  4. Arkose

    Arkose Guest

    I can see it now. The screaming in the streets, the mass suicides, building of bomb shelters. Do we really need this before hand? Like anyone needs help thinking the world will end.

    Mass suicides though, might not be bad idea. Depends on the person i guess.

  5. Phh what makes you think that they just didn't run out of whatever they were writing on and were like "We'll just wait till then to print more off."

    I'm pretty sure I'd be hella tired doing that all the way up to 2012...

    If they were smart they'd poison the punch AND the cookies.
  6. Actually, its the end of the 13th Bantuk, or Bankuth, or something.. Cycle.
    Its not the last cycle, and according to their calender it wont end for something like 12309210983102938120983 years.

    You can wiki it. I thought that's what it meant too until I researched it a bit.

    There's SO many end-of-time theories out now, its silly.
    I'll probably still go see it though.
  7. Softcore

    Softcore Guest

    No matter if you believe the theory or not, it still looks like a good movie to see.
  8. A little soon dont you think... It would sell better much closer to 2012.
  9. I think it will become a self-fullfilling prophecy. /shrug
    Nothing is really going to happen, but because everyone THINKS something will happen, someone or some group in the world will do something to cause it.

  10. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    I've been saying this for a year now.. The world will not end when the mayans calendar ended it will end 2015.. Now you will ask why I came up with this number..

    I've been told by a friend while we were drunk on New Years.. She said its because I worship the devil.. Nope couldn't be so wrong.. It is because.. I said so.. Thats right I said it will end 2015 any day that year doesn't matter.
  11. the calendar they used could not predict the seasons past that date..the calendar falls out of step with the seasons by one day every four years. Not very accurate.
    Not to belittle thier math..after all they did come up with the concept of a true 0 independently.

    Its the first documented use of a true 0.

    The day we discover an end to Pi...the universe will collapse. Not a minute sooner. That's my oddball prediction..
  12. Softcore

    Softcore Guest

    The prophet has spoken.
  13. Guantis

    Guantis Guest

    Visually this movie should be awesome. Having ID4 and The Day After Dennis Quaid goes to NY on your resume pretty much says "watch cool destruction" but Johnny Cusack as the "hero" or whatever just makes you chuckle.
  14. i'm with softcore. i'm excited, think it'll be entertaining, at least.
  15. I don't think it will ever happen. They already came up with over 2 billion calculated digits. I think it's infinite.

    If you guys are really interested in this, Google Polar Shift.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  16. It looks very pretty with all the explosions and stuff :p
  17. yeah, well, the thing is, if we ever run out of the first Pi, you just bake a new one right?
  18. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    Might be a fun movie, the idea of the world ending is silly though. We'll find out though :D
  19. Guantis

    Guantis Guest

    I go to movies for specific reasons. This is why I will go see this :D

  20. haha. Puts the movie in perfect perspective.