2 New Xenators

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, May 18, 2011.

  1. Everyone please welcome Kitsune (Aion NA) and Bishop (some hobo off the street) into the Xenate!

    Kitsune has done an amazing job with Aion NA and has commanded a division of awesome and dedicated players...and she paid me twenty bucks!

    Bishop...sleeps under a bridge.

    So lets all give congratulations where they are done to Kitsune and Bishop. Our new Xenate members!

    PS. Bishop is really taking charge of the FPS division and overseeing the FPS genre of gaming for us.
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  2. Grats you two! Also Bishop you troll!
  3. GRATS guys! wish u d best of luck
  4. Grats guys :)
  5. Congrats!
  6. gratz
  7. congratulations for both of you!
  8. Grats
  9. Congrats on the promo. I can get extra cookies with my daily rations then?
  10. I sleep under a bridge too, cookies?
  11. Congrats ... i knew bishop smelled a tad funny
  12. I knew Kit before she was famous! ^^
  13. Yes cookies, the reason you didn't get any is because i've been traveling to GA every week to raid your mailbox for said care package. That's cool yeah?
  14. Congrats guys!
  15. Gratz Kit and gratz bishop
  16. Congrats to both of you!
  17. Velryn

    Velryn Banned

    Grats, but I did not see any posting about : What positions are they filling? What are their jobs going to be? Just stating they are new Xenate members really does not tell us much about them, nor what we can expect.
  18. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    big grats :) wait..cooooookiiiiieeees! where!!? i wantz coookiiieees nao!
  19. http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24806

    Hopefully this helps answer your question. :)
  20. Oh god bishop. We are all gonna die