Got my eyes on that too.
I honestly don't see what the korean mmo makers can do against the physical distance betwwen us and korea. Or the speed of light.
Keeping an eye on it myself (bless).
I wasn't aware the M50 had articulated guns. Can you point to a reference Rub ?
There is still no valid emulator for the first xbox. Food for thought.
I think the 1080p will still have noticeable screendoor though. If you want perfection, wait for the 4k version. If you're ready to compromise, go...
Just got my oculus rift today. Spent an hour tweaking monitor res and stuff. Two words. Ho-ly shit ...
I would advise waiting for third-party designed coolers for the 290. The stock one is very loud, just check the reviews on the net.
Disaster is, for the moment, an exaggeration. Time will tell. Some of the reasons are : X1 has 50% less graphics cores than PS4 (they both have...
Well, at least it's not a phantasy star universe shitty repetitive action game. And I like action games made by Tri-Ace (Star Ocean, Resonance of...
Neither. No games catching my interest on either platform. In other news, I got myself a Vita for playing Dragon's Crown, Gravity Rush,...
When deciding about my Star Citizen budget, I consider the equivalent, typical MMO fare. For how long do I think that SC will entertain me ?...
Absolutely, but we don't know what they mean exactly by that, nor which part of the alpha ? Dogfighting module ? Planet side module ? Squadron 42...
Your ship can be upgraded to what the 325a has. But the advantage of buying the arbiter package instead of upgrading later, is that your ship...
I have made a thread in the "other games" forum section to list pilots and schedule dogfighting sessions. Please drop a post there if you have...
As a reminder : Alpha with the Dogfighter module is still scheduled for december. Alpha slots are going down FAST now. Only 4,300-ish as I...
Not only does SC already support Eyefinity, but it also does while supporting CrossFire. I am very impressed. CrossFire : AMD 6970 * 2...
We just got the hangar module, and we get the dogfight module this december ! C'mon guys ! Pledge before the 26th of november to have your...
Not an MMO, BUT will have persistent online PvP (single and multi crewmen ships, carriers, piracy, bounty hunters), exploration, and economy :...
Pimp my ride ! [IMG] W7svn-4TvNk qlxMftWnM3k In my hangar : [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]