updated changes coming to the next beta. https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/15652-Roadmap-to-Closed-Beta/
I just like rushing on my horse ahead of everyone and teleport everyone while they did quest for Gilda stars.
Ok I will purchase the game today, So whats the best option? Legendary or the Epic. I hear you get the OX and Horse later on so is it really...
Do we have a Guild already? and is there more then one server ATM?
Looks interesting, I just hope it's not another Archeage that gives us such high hopes! Then kills us a month later when the game is live. But...
Are you over 18: Yes Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone: Yes What is the link to your steam profile:...
Accepted and on Probation
This guy is a Good Primeval! Had the Honor to VS him in 5v5.
My last name is Hayes =) Winner already
Great Work ALL!
Already part of Xen and has a family member in guild. Also sat in with Gauntlet.
Real Life friend. Accepted and will catch up!
Accepted and on Probation!
Approved Good Guy here!
They are still trying to Merge. Comcast has 115 people Lobbying right now to make sure it goes through. If Time Warner Cable deal falls through...
I work for Time Warner Cable =(
Glad to have you aboard. Cant wait to Play Archeage with you!
accepted on probation