Hexed, do you also believe that you had a long lost relative in Zimbabwe that died and left you 5 million euros? Come on dude.
That was my first photoshop attempt from almost 4 years ago now. It literally took me 10 hours to make b/c I had no idea what i was doing and just...
Finally, some sense in this thread :p
My thoughts on this, hexed, you're being paranoid for no good reason. Everyone that has said it's a scam is right. YOU SHOULD JUST IGNORE THESE...
Watch out for the EULA police. But srsly, tell them to fuck off and just ignore them until they sue you and then your defense is that it was...
^^ 500th reply. O.O
I wonder if he got his shoes back.
Clicky-clicky F'ing epic
I'm more than skeptical. There has been a rumor of a live-action DBZ movie since the beginning of the internet. Fake posters. Fake rosters. Fake...
On a random note, have you ran all the usual anti-spyware/malware programs?
Although this is really funny, it's just satire. Also it's as old as the internet, lol. Good for a chuckle though, just not genuine. And yeah,...
HTML is disabled in sigs for non-admins. Your best bet is save your XBOX thing as a jpeg and update it when you feel it is necessary.
I went to CC today, even with the 10% off (yes 10%, only shit like Hello Kitty Island Adventure was 20% off) everything was still overpriced and...
Sounds like a short is overheating the bulb and causing the epoxy attaching the bulb to its base to fail.
Capsule is like the chick version of Daft Punk I never liked this kind of downtempo/ambient stuff. I just find it boring. This is video I took...
There are a bunch of us in Atlanta, dash included. Let's have a XoO get together. (Maybe I'll finally get a XoO t-shirt)
Shane's World >>>>> GGW
Peacemaker is banned.
[IMG] thanks sunshyne
What are you talking about? It's not a "monster" movie; it's a "zombie-style" flick if anything. The movie is like a Resident Evil type thing...