I talked to him a bit in tells last night to let him know we have a few melee dps but as long as he's willing to compete for his spot there should...
Armory looks to be updated with your gems but possibly your spec isn't yet. So I apologize if you've made some changes but I have more questions....
I have a few questions for you. Why did you choose to maximize expose weakness and hunting party without putting a point into gftt first? Your...
Please talk to Arizair, Limegreen, or Ologhai online
This will definitely double our female raiding population unless you start counting Roch or Arizair. On a serious note your application looks...
If he can't take the time out to fill an application the way we ask then why should we even consider him?
Had a long talk with him during our raid and he had some issues with a former guild and was referred to use by Roch. He has the experience we are...
Sargeras division is just more serious abour raiding if that hasn't been made obvious enough. There's nothing wrong with enjoying other things WoW...
Would you feel comfortable switching to ret mainspec if we asked for it?
Let Brozo or Corps take a look at him, but he application looks very well done, especially if he can put up high numbers. Tanking is also...
Agreed, at this point it's up to Yizelin or Luminatus to eval. Thumbs up from me his spec looks fine but looks like he could use some more hit...
Saw him in trade chat offering to sell his warrior. I asked him if he had applied to Xen and only reply I got was "idk". Not sure if it was a...
Good looking app
I'll be out of game with a continued power supply failure. Look for Skullmasher, Brozo, Gorchild, Kelad, PM someone to find an officer alt for...