Canada is best Canada.
We used to do monthly game thingies a long time ago for those in the transient nature (between games/waiting on them/or not interested in the...
Good luck on the raids this week guys. Emerald Nightmare looking to be extremely fun.
Seven hours until I can get home from work to three days off to bask in a wonderful vacation away from reality. Super excited : D
Have fun guys, shame everything is so far away from me otherwise it would certainly be interesting to meet some of Xen in person. Try not to dry...
I had my eye on this one when it was in the Kickstarter. While I didn't back it, I am certainly willing to try out a free alpha. Thanks for the post.
In open beta at the moment, so unless you feel like buying a KR account and running a proxy then it is a bit of a pain. Initial reviews are coming...
I understand the reason; nothing wrong with it if it is money that people are happy to put into the game that they don't mind 'losing' for a...
So does Camelot Unchained by that standard if you have seen it recently. (Both game are still in very early alpha stage. I wouldn't give either...
The whole notion of this opening post is questionable at best. I wouldn't even worry about it.
Slightly off-topic. But if the future of MMOs (and it seems increasingly popular) is crowd-funding massive amounts of money from people for games...
Feel free to add me; I am usually on every couple nights and during weekends. Always down for games if...
They have various forms of success in different games. You got to remember that it isn't just a gaming community - it is literally hundreds of...
So Evolve went free to play recently with a bunch of changes to the gameplay and pacing. Been playing it this last week, and it is pretty fun (but...
Well done everyone!
Which game group? You are able to remove yourself manually by going to the Profile -> Join User Groups. If you have been accepted into the group,...
You guys know that WAR has a private server right? People are still playing it.
Saw it opening night here in Canada w/ my S/O also in IMAX 3D. We both play WoW together (since MoP) and I have been playing on/off since Vanilla...
Agreed. Part of my fears are reduced since it is a PvP game only; there isn't any AI to script, mobs to program, and raid encounters to plan. If...
As I mentioned in the upcoming games; I am personally hesitant since I am a backer for CU and my focus would likely be on that game instead....