How old are you?: 24 RSI Forum Name?: RexProcer Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?*: Yes Why did you choose XoO & where did you hear about us?:...
Sent you a message on TS. Let me know if you come back from AFK. Thanks!
Anytime. I'm on most of the day.
Arcan, how many folks are you looking for roughly to get this thing going?
Oh yea.
How old are you?: 24 Do you have teamspeak and a working microphone: Yes Tell us about your past gaming experience: I have been gaming since I was...
Yea I looked up a ton of websites like W3 schools and the like and they've helped some. I also have a HTML book. I mean, how much of the website...
Hi all, So I have had an idea for a website for quite a while. I have tried to learn how to code to try and get some proof of concept out there,...
I have already purchased the $50 beta pack.
How old are you?: 24 In-Game Name: RexProcer Do you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes Where did you hear about us?: ArcheAge Forums Previous Gaming...