[IMG] [IMG] ArcheAge will be opening with the headstart on the 12th of September (Friday) with release starting September 16th. It is important...
[IMG] [IMG] I have several keys available for anyone interested in playing during the third closed beta test starting this coming up Thursday -...
We are proud to announce that Closed Beta Event 2: Setting Sail will begin at 10am PDT next Wednesday, July 30. Prepare to adventure in an even...
We managed to take the best location for planting. We managed to grab Ludesong & Thunder Island as well as a quick grab to be the first just...
ArcheAge beta will start THIS Thursday so do not miss out on the opportunity to join us in another epic adventure and the ability to play a...
[IMG] Closed beta 1 has been officially announced! Closed Beta Events will be three to five days in duration and your progress will persist...
Looking for one of those nice special gaming keyboards like the Nostromo, G13, and OrbWeaver. Not sure which to get. Would preferably like one...
While we may not have videos for every game we have played due to them being lost over time or just never being officially published lets take a...
XoO wants to wish all the dads out there a Happy Fathers Day! [IMG]
I will more than likely be busy as a beaver with Archeage so I figure I won't be able to really put the time into the game as I would like. I can...
[IMG] Archeage recruitment is in full swing and we have been growing by leaps and bounds since our initial announcement. We are still recruiting...
[IMG] Our ArcheAge division is kicking off with a bang. We have a few Galleon class ships and a plethora of smaller cutters. We have been...
For you streamers out there. If you want to reply in this thread or message me you will be able to stream on our front page on occasion. I will...
After the Upcoming Games meeting we had earlier this evening we decided by popular vote to get into ArcheAge. [IMG] For those interested in the...
Obviously we are going into Star Citizen, but we would like to add 1 more game to our roster. Select ANY and ALL games you are interested in.
Can anyone make me an animated avatar with the following clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=c36UNSoJenI#t=216 Need...
Just letting you all know we will be holding both meetings at the same time to expedite the process since we do not yet have a community director....