if you do go frost, you have to yell CHILIBEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least three times a night.
the better question is do you smoke the green?
hey that's me at #1 :D
1. a. I use a TotS macro that allows me to tricks without losing downtime on the boss. b. /cast !Stealth so that I can mash it with it only...
okay I'll get to your newest post in a second when I get the time, but do you think it's wise to switch to the AGI gems? The DPS gains are only .1...
I plugged both situations in the spreadsheet, and this is what came out: 10864.4 DPS with my current set-up. 10854.4 DPS with +15 exp to gloves...
I'm sorry:p I'll plug my gear into a spreadsheet and tinker around with it.
alright, I'm gonna replace my 20 exp gem with a 10 hit/10 exp gem. andddddd that will put me at 110.
Well if the cap is 214 exactly, then I would say 220 would be better, since 210 is a little under.
For mutilate, the best stats to value/gem for are haste and AP. Expertise is also important to have up until I reach the cap of 26, so I don't...
yeah I'm gonna work on it, I just got some new pieces of gear that put me under. I replaced my Mark of Supremacy so before that I was over it. I...
finally got my JC to 370 so I got my new gems. :D
1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Tendeuce, Mutilate Rogue 2. Armory Link (and talent choices explained):...