I'm really excited and can't wait!
lmao FriendlyFire That picture scared me for a second lol
I will get this thread started. Feel free to post your obviously photoshopped pictures here. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Those all sound interesting! My problem with book is that i'm like reading A.D.D. lol I'll start a book, then get distracted by something, then...
Alright i just found this one.... I must warn you though, it is NASTY! lol...
That would be pretty cool to get one. What exactly do you get with one of them?
lol doctorie. Wow that sucks! That's pretty creepy too... if you have no pets, and no drinking happened, I'd have to agree with Itherael. lol It...
Thanks! I know.. lol No, I really didn't need any other presents. lol
Nice! That looks pretty awesome. I can't imagine how long that must have took you! lol I just recently helped my bf put together his computer in a...
well I'd say any Miley Cyrus video makes you say WTF... haha!
LMAO!! omg that 1st one that Doctorie posted just about killed me... haha definitely a WTF video.
That's cool! I'm feeling pretty spoiled this year! I got a Canon EOS rebel t1i/500 digital camera along with all the nifty accessories to go with...
Heck yes! That is a freaking awesome game.
This sale is pretty awesome! So far I've picked up a few games. Gotta love 75% off! lol
I already did! ;) I'm excited! :happy:
Same here, I quit too. I went on to play Guild Wars 2 which, I think, is better. Plus, no monthly fees.
WildStar is looking really good! I can't wait!
Other Games ApplicationHow old are you? 21 What game are you applying for? Other-WildStar In-Game Name? Auriel Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a...