Very nice indeed. Think I hit 10 years a few years back but been in the shadows for a while now ever since I stopped gaming. Actually hoping to...
Didnt even know this existed.
Sup dude !
First one was fun might be worth looking at
Actually looking to upgrade at the moment, Just a wondering as ive been a bit out of the loop for a while now (my systems a 8800 GTS 640 mb - was...
Ill be playing D3 for a bit, need to upgrade my PC for Battlefield 3 and Planetside 2 so D3 should keep me going for a bit xD besides, D2 and LOD...
Been gone for far too long but had to get some ridicilous amounts of partying out the way. Got pc back up and running and intend to get into some...
Welcome back Isurus bud hows things been a hell of a long time. Im assuming ill be seeing you in PS2 ;) much <3
Count me in /drool waited too long
Dont even have a pc atm going to treat myself to one after I get back from ibiza so no. Looking forward to some good times ps1 was a blast. Q...
about time huh, seems i may be back into pc gaming at last. Sure will be many of the old faces around for this :D
i havent been lately man, ill have to start doing bud been too damn long. your back in the us man thats great you were over in china like...
sign me up, get net working agen finaly (had to go back to wired connection)
i have the gold pack (includes queens gambit) quite hard to get used to although ive been using the 1.08 patch which has issues so im lead to...
To be fair, just knowing bohemia (sp?) made this game is enough for me, i think i may have tried it at some point but cant say i have, i can see...
i now own this game, waiting for delivery (bought online) cant wait for some war time fun on Arma :)
ill be buying this game like, this week, friday at the latest. See you in game soon
a GM in WoW on Garithos was actually a member of us in Guild Wars, and had heard great things about our wow section........ YOU KNOW WHO YOU...
i strongly suggest you check out videos on youtube using TrackIR, you dont actually need to move your head all that much and probably move it...
im patched up, apped in the cod4 section and sorted that now so im all set and ready to go, just a matter of practicing my skills back to their...