Guild Wars 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 23 In-Game Name? Furius Sylvari Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your prefered...
This dude is legit.
I am Diomedes in my own created guild WTFReported with a couple of my friends. I am on the M server that is usually at the top.
I downloaded it and I am enjoying it thus far, but secksy is def. right about the lack of character customization. I am liking the more complex...
If oblivion was online, which it isn't and thus makes it vastly inferior.
That is pretty good hoax. I also love how the poster knows this is going to happen because of this line, "There will always be cases of Poe’s...
I am interested and have plenty of free time atm, but I am not sure how much time I would be able to invest with the Warhammer Online beta coming...
I have watched some events, but really all I want is the US to beat China(uphill fight at this point)! We shall not be toppled!!! : P PS:...
I think they will bring back the paladin and it may have some healing abilities, but I doubt it will focus on healing. All classes need to be...
Only a fool would click that link! I was tricked back on the WoW forums pre-BC... I am SO glad that rick-roll has replaced those disgusting...
I agree. I think this system would only really benefit SC II. All this is going to do is increase people's e-peen. I stopped playing WoW pre-BC...
Doom was my first game because it came free with my first computer. I am basically obligated to check out Doom 4.
I never really had bad lag over or at least any that I can remember. Single player definitely has the advantage of never expiring,...
Having to buy a little key chain and have it shipped to you would get pretty annoying if you lose it/it malfunctions a couple of times (you...
When I played WoW (pre-BC/after Naxx) I enjoyed PvP, but more in the duel sense than the battleground/world PvP. Duels were interesting with my...
I saw this a long, long time ago, but still funny nonetheless.
Now that I think about it, wouldn't the crossfire chip only change things if I had multiple graphics cards? Or maybe you were responding about...
Well, it didn't end up doing that well. Although, I haven't overclocked anything, so I don't know how much of a difference that would make, but my...
Dude...200$ is some harsh shit. I mean it is only 1 nuke...