security researcher found...
it turned out to be Avast, dont use avast with windows 8 right now.
it turned out to be because of avast, AWS.dll, DO NOT USE AVAST WITH WINDOWS 8 AT THIS POINT IN TIME
2 days of being on windows 8 after the upgrade saturday, and today BAM unable to boot, unable to repair boot...... unable to refresh, unable to...
pinky pie is a kid whos like 16 yrs old and is a coding/debugging prodigy, like the article said 2 years in a row hes won Post apocalyptic FPS, looks a little like rage, to be honost I dont know much about the...
We have probably a solid 5 people, if not more who have a nice set of cards on MTGO. ME, Kyoji, Jarien, Reignier, (drag i think) and probably...
TL2 is a good pick up put down game. Ive got a 53 berserker in NG+ and a 30 outlander in NG
A bunch of us started playing yesterday (release), online play was down all day because of too many people trying the website and overloading,...
use avast, register it for free, gives you 1 year of nag free use, then you must register it again. turn off sounds, enable gaming mode, turn... diablo 3 taken down to its bare essence, pretty hilarious, *prays for 1.3 patch*
if you do decide to get a SSD, be careful when it nears the end of its life. Some SSD brands, when the drive loses extra cells to swap out with...
im in bro, you bring the line, you know what i got....
wb isurus bro love hugs
RIFT ApplicationHow old are you? 26 In-Game Name? Akujin/AKuj1n/Osairus Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary archetype?...
Kalemis and I are looking for people that own starcraft2 to help us out and test a custom map we have been working on for a month or so now. It...
i won i won i won
xenzoku is in england and he plays with us and yeah we definitely want to play conquest mode, we have been trying it out already but we need more...