it depends on what you are wanting to have them stored on. I use USB Flash drives for that now... My vehicles use SD cards so I have some music on...
what i find kinda funny is MJ keeps saying this is not and will not be DAOC 2 but then they are bringing the same damage types for the different...
fire resist and good to go.
Classes are being revealed if you all were not aware.
If he doesn't have the budget for a 6700k I would suggest at least a 6600k vs the 6700. The added headroom for overclocking will give him a system...
How about this... Get your monitors from the place you had listed, however I am not sure I would choose any of the current IPS monitors that are...
There is a few problems with this build... 1. No Storage SSD nor HDD 2. The link you provided for that board is no longer in stock. 3. The CPU I...
here is what I came up with: | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **£473.47** PCPartPicker part list /...
that is just nuts... thought it might be a way to get around the tax if you had someone ship it directly to you instead of having to pay through...
Do you still get hit with taxes if you bought off of eBay or had someone fedex it?
i have to agree that looks pretty good
So really any high end GPU now a days doesn't really benefit from a dedicated physics? Sounds like a single Titan X will handle everything then.
wasn't talking about a sli or xfire... you should be able to use your titan X as the primary and you 780TI as phsyiX to pull some benches related...
Erock, With both Crowfall and Camelot Unchained coming out with Physics, do you think running one of your old GPU's as a dedicated PhysiX will...
The thing I found interesting is the performance of the Titan X when OC'ed in a couple of instances it was hitting dam near the same performance...
I am hoping to see the 980's drop in price as soon as the 390's are released. I may pick 2 of them up to replace my current GTX 570's for this...
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