never got ahold of us tried for quite some time...
thanks for choosing xen welcome aboard..:cake1::cake1:
where ya been i miss you...
welcome to xoo hope you have fun with us crazy bunch
bumpity pass it along please invited 2 /12
bumpit along welcome aboard...:cake1::cake1:
welcome to xoo......:cake1::cake1:
sounds good to me boss pass it on........ welcome aboard..:cake1::cake1: :popcorn:
congratulations to everyone...and ty for all that voted for me.....:cake1::cake1: :popcorn:
Division-Specific Awards (WAR) Exemplary (WAR) member of 2009 (list up to 4) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or...
welcome aboard push it throu pls.... :cake1:
you made me laugh get ahold of one of our recruiters in game pls....
push him throu pls....:cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1::cake1:
thanks for applying someone will be with you as soon as you get in game. glad to have you aboard..:cake1: :popcorn:
wow that looks really good im gonna have to go see that one.. thnx for the clip...
whats up homie gawd it feels good to be a gansta....
welcome aboard pls read our forms weekly and our ally site as well.....
i am stalking you ...........jk
look for me in game ill be on all day long...
will be looking for you in game....hope to talk to your soon..