Hey all I just bought my new gaming wireless router and I cant seem to get it set up, I can have everything configured and all of that good stuff, I have ran the install wizard, and everything worked aside from it saying there was no internet cable connected, and then i reset it, and then tried to install it manually using and setting it up myself, and again everything worked aside from the cable not reading. Its a good cable I know that because we already have a wireless router installed to it and it works just fine, but here's where I think the problem is and I'm not sure how to fix it. The new router needs an rj45 Ethernet cable and we have yahoo SBC global so we don't actually have modems, just little adapters that plug into the phone out lets in each room, and those use rj11 cables not rj45, so does anyone have any ideas how I can get this router to work?
Using the 2wire router the company installed, Basically tried my router didnt work, so i put the old 2wire back in. Or maybe im magic 0.o
maybe your 2wire box is a modem/router all in one. can you verify or post the model number so we can take a look?