I can only imagine what the hell is going to happen with this.
I don't understand... This probably kills the hope for darker Marvel comic book movies (like DC's Batman Begins/Dark Knight). Also what happens to Islands of Adventure in Florida now that Disney owns the rights to the characters?
Don't freak out, people. Disney is also responsible for movies such as The Crow (dark enough for you, Val?), Kill Bill, and Clerks. You might be surprised if you do some research and see what Disney already owns and the sort of media that's produced. It's far from all just being cartoon kid stuff. There should be plenty of leeway for Marvel to be Marvel, and now they've got Disney's (considering this economy) stability and $$ to back them up.
^ what Shoji said yup Guess we will see a new section of disneyworld..could be cool....but if I see a marvel hero in a giant head costume...well.... Ill be getting kicked out disney world
I was thinking something like a rewrite of Beauty and the Beast featuring The Hulk, instead of the Beast, would be appropriate.
I'm not concerned about the buy-out. Disney owns most of ABC and ESPN and both obviously have shows directed towards adults. Although not Disney/Marvel related, the newest Batman movies cater to adults even though they carry a PG rating so Disney can probably make movies with the same dark atmosphere while keeping it suitable for kids and entertaining for adults. I just hope the future Kingdom Hearts games don't have Marvel characters in them because it's weird enough already being a mix of Final Fantasy and Disney. If they do though, I probably won't mind.
Uh, did you actually see the aforementioned Kill Bill or The Crow? I think there will be plenty of violence if the movie calls for it. LOL Speaking of Disney and games a couple of posts ago...Disney's not afraid of lending even Mickey Mouse to some creepy dystopian stuff. Check out the images for Epic Mickey if you haven't already: In an 2007 interview, the game designer had interesting things to say about working with Disney: "One of the beautiful things about working with Disney is that, actually, you don’t have to fight to do things that are a little more daring graphically. You don’t have to make something that looks like every other game. You don’t have to go for that super realistic sort of look, and no one’s pressuring me to do the hyper-violent, guy-with-two-guns-wearing-sunglasses-at-night stuff. While I have no problem with that, I’m not making judgments about games like that, I’m at a point in my life and my career that it just bores the hell out of me. I don’t want to play games where all I do is run around and kill everything that moves any more. I just don’t want to do that. Working with Disney, at this point, it makes a lot of sense. They actually do have a different attitude about appropriate kinds of content. Now, you know, if a year from now I may be singing a different tune, I mean, who knows. Right now, I’m hopeful that -- on a very different scale – the same way they want Pixar to do Pixar’s thing, and they’re not messing with that, I’m hoping they’ll let me do my thing and not get bogged down in all the bureaucratic stuff that may have resulted in some issues in the past." Well, looks like they're letting him do his thing, and with their characters, even. Cool stuff.