1. Age (18+ Requirement): 19 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Mihalach & Dawm respectively 3. Class: Templar 4. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes 5. Previous gaming experience: WoW, Diablo 2, Star Craft, lots of pre-WoW console experience 6. Why did you chose XoO: Looking for a friendly and mature group that expects its playerbase to act its age. 7. Do you have a referal?: Mortae 8. A little bit about yourself: I'm going into my second year at a large University, with a major in Systems Engineering and minor in Business Administration. I've been playing WoW essentially since release, with a short break between Classic and Burning Crusade. When I came back I got fed up with my guild's lack of gearing up newer members, so I started raid leading a 3rd 10 man team - with the Officer's permission of course. The team ended up out progressing their secondary team in about a week and soon after I was promoted to Raid Leader. I've lead my guild through endgame content ever since. When I'm not studying and I step away from the screen, I usually go to the gym or spend time with my friends. 9. Activity Level? (hrs/week): 25+ hours/week, Mostly evenings and weekends (I tend to avoid Friday/Saturday night, but it's not unheard of). 10. Apply to usergroup: did it
What can I say, I hang out with some great minions....err... players Miha has been leading raids for me for 2 years now. He knows his stuff and knows how to play any class that gets put before him.
vent interview went well Also, check out this page. http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9051 ACCEPTED