I suggest you guys take the time to sit down and read that brief. It's a really a good read if you want a laugh or two. Hilarious. He compared the judge reviewing Bully to Iran and Kim Jong Il.
Haha Bruce Anyway I want to see the Sessler's Soapbox that this brings, Adam Sessler loved having arguments with Jack Thompson, and usually won in most sane peoples eyes.
I might sound like I live under a rock (even though I'm Canadian and this is in the states) but, what exactly was the problem with Jack Thompson IE what did he do?
He attacked any video game with a mature rating basically especially GTA and he started the whole thing about Mass Effect and the real problem is how he did it:
Indeed, he was the arch-enemy of video gamers by trying to not only censor, but ban certain games by taking advantage of media and the law to further his cause. Of course, he only made himself look more like an idiot and gave these games even more publicity. Ah, karma. To his credit, however, he was not the instigator of the Mass Effect debacle, in fact he even said it wasn't that bad: http://www.joystiq.com/2008/01/28/jack-thompson-mass-effect-controversy-ridiculous/
One thing that sticks in my memory is that he dared people to make a game where you go around beating up gamers (I don't remember his exact specifications). He even said that he would donate $10'000 to the developers preferred charity. Someone coded up the game. He weaselled out of the donation by saying that he offer was "a parody". So Penny Arcade went along and made a donation in his name. He threatened to sue/sick the FBI on them over it. I think that event is what caused gamers to start filing official complaints about him to the Florida Bar Association.
here is one of the games made for the proposal (and my favorite of them) http://www.derekyu.com/games.html It is called "I'm O.K."