I had nothing to do with this default ugliness returning....It's killing me!!! I want to stab my eyeballz out.....too bright.....must find darknesss....
While I don't like the default (generally), the grey text on black was a little annoying. The orange posts fit but it didn't help much.
I thought we were going to be going with an all new style? Why are we using the same old buttons now?
Ooooh, this one looks really nice. And I can even see my Post Quick Reply and Go Advanced buttons! Keep!
I just put the new one on... Dash found it and with my poor graphic skills I created a banner and fixed the footer... sigh it took me a long time lol... Now... we still have people working on designing skins though so this may not be a long term theme... but it's something to get rid of that damn default skin... Let me know if anything broke... I tested it first and it seems ok, but ya never know...
It's true, he was like a kid in a candy store... come on, lets put it back!!! better broke then the default!!!! If I could throw something at him through my monitor this morning, I swear a coffee cup would have gone flying through my monitor!!!! Anyways, PM me if we find any problems... this is a 3.7 theme so it shouldn't have the same issues we ran into yesterday... BUT please test things like user_cp etc to make sure
It's still too hard to read when there is any ambient light in the room. Light grey on dark grey is even less contrast than what we had before. The style of the forums is top notch though, wish I could read them for more than 5 min. without getting a headache. Again, why can't we have a light background with dark text like 99% of the other websites out there... they are designed that way for a reason.
Because we aren't necessarily going for functionality. Dark backgrounds happen to blend images/style better, a dark background allows specific styling options which the task force/administration happens to prefer, most members have proclaimed that they prefer a dark setting so that's what we are currently working with. Again, this is not the finished style, this is just another temporary fix until the actual styles are done.
its def easier on the eyes, wish it was wider since i look at this through a 22" screen, just throwing that out there.
Really, really good point. I read the forums at work, where I have two big windows and 3 huge light fixtures blasting me at all times. The reflection off my monitor is crazy bad and makes dark sites very hard to read. I'd much prefer a light background/dark text for ease of reading while at work. However, at home, I keep my office more dimly lit when I'm on the computer and this current theme would be fine--really sharp looking and still very functional in that setting. Ideally, you could set up any site for ease of viewing. Some sites allow you to flip the themes, depending on your preference. For example, www.thottbot.com has two themes. I use "classic" thott while at work...and "evil twin" thott while at home. The challenge for xoohq.com, if we don't want the hassle of designing two flippable themes (which seems like a big hassle indeed) is to reach some kind of happy medium, with a minimal blindness-inducing design.
Before this takes off, I'm going to say that no one should judge the work ethics of using your work time for your personal life. The switching of themes would not be difficult to set up, that's easy. The problem occurs when we would want to make things look good. Sure we could allow the option to set it to default or whatever, but it would take several times as much work to design things as they will be while having to cater to even one extra theme and still make it look professional/sleek/not a piece of shit, and right now that is clearly not a priority but we will keep it in mind. Thanks for the input.
New forums, same jackass. That's fucking great, Lev "we won't discuss the ethics..." while you bringing it up most certainly does. I get breaks, and I get lunchtime, and I spend a good two hours a day at work of time that I don't get paid for, and yes, it's perfectly ethical that I read the forums during that time, because it's my time. Welcome back to my ignore list. *EDIT* Forums peaceful again.