Ive just read this and have not considered full the consequences of this..but first thought is...this cant be good http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSTRE56S4T420090729
Who uses limewire? Why the fuck do people have access to that info anyway, let alone the ability to put in on a p2p server lol. Sounds more like a Government not able to keep its secrets out of peoples hands than the people sharing it on p2p.
I use limewire for song dl's ^^ a gov't cant even keep its secrets "secret" - think of what would happen if they ran our car industries and medical...omg... =9
Better standard of American made cars for once? I might actually be able to have healthcare before I'm 30 =P
Why are there P2P programs on government computers in the first place? I mean come on thats just fucking dumb. And im sorry for people who dont have employee provided insurance but STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY POCKET
this seems like an excuse for the gov to step in and place some regulations...conspiracy theorists will have a field day with this. The so called lapses in security were setup. slares..that reminds me of someone who once said.."let them eat cake".
IMO, they shouldn't be cracking down on limewireover this shit... they should be cracking down on the people who have access to the info and what they have on their computers...
If you have to click 9 times and disregard 3 warnings sounds like someone on their end fucked up and they don't want to sound like complete tools for making a mistake that anybody with some brains could have avoided. Humans are doomed.
this would be because the rules already in place were ignored and bypassed by these individuals... for the last year and a half, ive not been able to have a usb thumb drive for my work files or anything... waste a lot of cd or dvd-r's because of it too. as for software, they shouldn't be able to install limewire on these machines. these people were breaking rules, so i don't see why new rules would help as for number of clicks, it didn't specify when they installed limewire, when those amounts of clicks were introduced... and if limewire has any viruses who would turn on doc sharing without asking you
As retarded as our government is, I doubt Limewire is actually installed on government computers, and that the files are being shared by government offices. More likely than not, these files have been leaked by insiders or hacked by outsiders, and Limewire just happens to be a convenient place to share these files.
well, for my office, we have to call for support that requires an administrator and every few weeks the computers are scanned to see if any software has been installed not on the approved list.